"What do you mean stay? Mom?" Krystal confused asked, looking at her mom for an explanation.

"We'll talk about that later." her mother rapidly replied.


"There is someone you haven't thanked." her mother said looking towards Hyunseung. Quickly trying to change the topic.

"Yeah, there is."

"Go." Baekhyun said pushing Hyunseung towards her.

"Uh, hey" he awkwardly said rubbing his neck.

"If it weren't for you I wouldn't be here," she started.


"Thank you, your just like everyone else," he looked lost. "You never gave up on me." she smiled making him smile.

"Like I said before I already lost someone through suicide and I wasn't gonna let someone else do the same." he explained.

"Thank you." she said and tightly hugged him.

"Hyunseung." he whispered in the hug.

"Krystal."she whispered back.

"Sorry to ruin the moment but there's stuff we need to discuss." the doctor interrupted, trying to start up a serious conversation.

"What is it doctor?" Amy asked smiling, totally not expecting what he is going to say.

"Krystal, care to explain?" he said nodded his head to her wrist. She understood what he meant.

"Mom, everyone please stay calm for what I'm about to tell you."

"Krystal your scarying me." she said and so was everybody else. She stayed silent.

"Krystal., You tell her or I tell her." the doctor warned.

"No I will, tell/show everyone." everyone was confused.

"Ever since five years ago I..."

And slowly she starts to unwrap her gaze around her wrist. "Krystal what are you--" Kris was then interrupted with what he saw.

"started self harming"

Krystal's P.O.V

*the next day*

*at home*

I feel good. Finally at home and slept in my bed. The doctor yesterday said I could leave but have to get a lot of rest. I will be starting therapy in couple weeks. The doctor suggested it so I could let go of my problem with self harming. The nurse first suggested rehab but everyone disagreed that was then when the doctor suggested therapy. Right now my mom is helping me get dressed since apparently I'm to weak to do so on my own.

"And there." my mom said putting on my shoe. I feel useless.

"Thanks, mom but I couldn't of done it on my own."

"No! you need to rest and not use so much muscle." she sternly said.


"No, need to thank me I am your mother and I will do anything for you."

"I love you, mom."

"And I love you more honey." she said then hugged me.

"Breakfast is ready." somebody yelled from downstairs.

"Coming." we both yelled back walking to the door.

*at table*

"Morning Brother." I happily said giving him a kiss in the head.

"M-morning s-sister."he shyly responded.

"Morning Krystal." David said.

"Morning David." I replied smiling and taking a seat next to Kris.

I been noticing since yesterday that David and my mom have been distant towards each other. They don't talk or go near each other they don't even glance at each other. Somethings wrong 'Yay does that mean that Mrs. Wu and Krystal will stay' Sehun's words ring in my head. 'let her move on right now shes making a very big sacrifice and you need to stop her'. Was my dad referring to what Sehun said.

"Krystal honey whats both--"

"Whats going between you to?" I asked ignoring what she was going to say. Everybody tensed up.

"W-why do you ask?"

"Because you and David have been acting werid since yesterday." I stated. "And just like you know me I know you to mom so I can tell when your lying."

".sigh. Your gonna know sooner or later so might as well tell you know." she sighed. Kris then threw his fork angrily to his plate and angirly walked upstairs. Okay now something is really up.

"Kris." David called running after him giving my mom once last look.

"Whats going on mom?"I desperately asked.

"Krystal I broke the engagement with--"

"What?!?" Why would she do that. because of you idiot. so this is what dad and Sehun meant.

"Because of me." I said feeling guilty. Looking down at my lap.

"No no no, I just, uh, we need, uh, time to catch up together and alone." she explained. Don't worry dad I'll make everything right.

"No? I can't let you break your promise."I said holding her arms.

"Yes Krystal bu-- Wait how do you know about that." she said with wide eyes.

"A little birdy told me." looking up to the sky I said. "And I'm not gonna let you make the same mistakes I did."

"Krystal I-"alshe tried to say but I stopped her by wiping her tears that were already falling.

"No, don't say anything just go get your man.lI said pushing her to the stairs.

"Are you sure?" She asked several times turning back.

"Positive." I said smiling assuringly.

Kris's P.O.V

"Kris? what happened why did leave?" he asked sitting at the edge of my bed.

"I don't want them to leave." I said holding my knees together.

"Neither do I but that was Amy's decision." sadly he sighed.

"Then do something about it you can't just let the love of your life go away like that." I sternly stated. My dad was never a quitter he always fought he wanted.

"Kris you know me. of course I won't." he said standing up.

"Thats my dad." I said standing up as well patting his shoulder. He smiles assuringly then heads to the door but stops.

"And you should do the same." Giving him a confused, I raise an eyebrow.

He chuckles. "you can't just let the love of your life go away like that."

Was that obvious. No of course not. then how did he know. I told nobody because not even I am sure about my feelings. But since he noticed I guess I should start asking for advice with one of the guys. Maybe Kai since he is her bestfriend.

(Completed) My Stepbrother Kris From EXO -sort of edited-Where stories live. Discover now