Chapter 29. Next Time

Start from the beginning

"What?!?" we all shouted.

"what happened to Krystal, dad?!?" I yelled, demanding an answer.

'"S-she tried to commit suicide."

His P.O.V

I spent all night here at the hospital worried sick about the girl. None of the doctors tell me whats going on with her. Ugh I'm so frustrated I just wanna know if she's okay.

"Krystal! where's my daughter!" I here a women yelling running along with, WOW like a million boys and a man.

"Miss, Miss where is James Krystal located." the man says talking to a randon nurse.

"Oh. the one that tried to commit suicide last night." thats the girl. How did they know her name. Yah, and they didn't tell me.

"Y-yes her." the man replies.

"Oh, well she's being examined by doctors at the moment. so will you mind waiting over there next to the boy who brought her." she says pointing at me. Great thanks big mouth nurse.

"You!" a tall boy, who looked Chinese m, pointed at me with a deadly glare charging towards me.

"What did you do to her?!?" he yelled, tackling me to the ground.

"Kris." everyone he arrived with, shouted. Trying to pull him off.

"Yah, get of off me I did nothing but rescue her." I yelled to his face trying to break free.

"Kris, let him go and let him talk." one of the boys says worringly with others trying to get him off me.

After doing so, I stand up. "thanks." I sacastically thanked to them dusting myself off.

"Please, tell me what happened to my daughter." the only women says crying to my shoulder.

"Don't worry, miss I'll tell you everything that happened.

*explains everything*

"But, out of nowhere she falls and shows her wrists that have been cutted deeply in the vein," I stop as I see the lady almost all the boys wipe their tears "she said thank you then blacked out." I then finished explaining.

"Thank you so much--" the lady, stops as if asking for my name.

"Hyunseung." I answered. "Jang Hyunseung."

"Amy." she said before tightly hugging me.

"Thank you, son." the man, gradually thanked, patting my back as I nodded.

"Hey, hyunseung I'm Chanyeol." A boy said smiling I guess trying to lighten up the mood.


"Hello," waves. "I'm Luhan and this is Xuimim and Sehun." the deer looking boy said then pointing to two boys beside him.

"Hey." I waved.

"Hey, hyunseung I'm Chen and this is Bacon-- I mean Baekhyun." a troll looking boy purposely said and made the other glare at him and wave at me.

"I"m Suho nice to meet you and that is Lay," points."D.O," points, "and Tao."

"sigh. I'm Kai and thank you." he said shaking my hand giving me a weak smile.

"Welcome." I now last to introduce themselves was the one who attacked me earlier.

"I'm Kris."

And silence.

(Completed) My Stepbrother Kris From EXO -sort of edited-Where stories live. Discover now