jungkook has calmed down slightly now, but he was feeling lightheaded from all the crying. the noise in his ears subsided and he was left with a faint buzzing, which he recognised. it actually happened to him a lot.

he took a few sips from the water and grabbed his bunny, sticking the left ear into his mouth and settling into yoongi's side.

jungkook always had something in his mouth, yoongi never really questioned it. sure if it was something dirty like a pen lid or a bit plastic he would try and coax him away, but if it was just his bunny's ear or a straw - sometimes his hoodie strings or one of his own fingers if he was feeling extra upset, yoongi and jimin mostly ignored it.

it was a habit yoongi could never break. he eventually just let jungkook do what he wanted - it wasn't harming anyone right? but why did jungkook feel the need to chew and suck on random objects..?

jungkook eventually drifted off to sleep and yoongi lay next to him - stroking his hair. jimin went back to bed too and managed to drift back off.

yoongi was beyond confused. what the hell just happened? he couldn't get anything out the younger, was it just a really extreme panic attack? maybe he had a nightmare? yoongi would press jungkook for answers in the morning. for now they both needed some sleep.


"kookie, wake up sweetheart" yoongi spoke softly, shaking jungkook awake gently. jungkook stirs and rolls over, looking up at his dad.

"morning love, i need you up so you can talk to me hmm? do you remember what happened last night?" yoongi asked, sitting jungkook up and offering him water. jungkook had dark circles underneath his eyes and he looked pale and unwell.

"everything got so loud dad. i woke up and there was like, engine noises in my ear. my mouth felt like it was vibrating and my heartbeat was ringing in my ears - it was so loud" he whimpered. "i didn't know what to do, i panicked. it was really scary." he sniffed.

yoongi pulled him into a hug for a few seconds before letting go. "i'm going to phone you a doctor's appointment okay? i have no idea what you're talking about, sorry son." he said sadly, walking into the living room and dialling their local clinic.

yoongi got an appointment for just before lunch time, so he allowed jungkook to go back to sleep for a while.

yoongi busied himself by making a late breakfast for the three of them. the father's head then snapped up hearing his eldest shout from the bathroom.

"dad! the hot water has gone off again!" jimin yelled, yoongi placed the frying pan down and went through to the main bathroom.

he walked in and saw jimin's head peaking round the shower curtain, hair wet and remains of shampoo evident. yoongi walked all the way to the cupboard at the back of the room and entered, flipping some switches and fiddling around - jimin wasn't quite sure what he was doing.

all of a sudden yoongi emerged. "jimin? that should be it now." he said. jimin poked a toe underneath the water to confirm it was hot again.

"thanks dad." he spoke, disappearing back under the water.

yoongi wandered back into the kitchen to see his eggs burning. "shit." he cursed under his breath. he walked over and tuned the stove off, before throwing the burned eggs in the bucket and walking to open the windows.

"dad." jungkook whined yoongi turned to his other son this time, looking at him worriedly "you okay kookie?" he asked, still paying attention to fanning the smoke out the room.

"it's b-burning dad. yuck." he said - his sentences broken up. jungkook was very sensitive to smells, if something was too strong it could throw him off the entire day - making him feel faint and sick.

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