"Really? Can I know the reason yeongah? because I know there is a reason behind this." older gives knowing look.

"I am concern about pyeha's safety. I found something. but I will tell you after I confirmed it real or not. and also it's time to do my dream job." yeong replied.

"yeongah. Don't worry. You will get your dream fulfilled. I am sure. And I will take care of everything about your joining procedure. You only have to get king's approval. With your military background you can easily get in." hearing lady noh's words younger smiles. Because now he only has to get King 's approval.

"Thank you, mamaniem. You are the best" yeong gives her his best smile.

"stop giving me your cheeky smile and talk to Pyeha. if he opposes, fight until you win. and you don't want my help to get his permission. pyeha loves you too much to deny you. you have my blessing." she smirked at yeong, who is getting red. Yeong cough in embarrassment.

"Time to bring back our queen into the chessboard." Lady noh thought, looking at leaving figure.


Next day, in the evening, after a long day with lot of schedule, king and his lover alone in the king's chamber.

"hey yeongah, do you want to eat something ?" lee gon asks younger drying his wet hair after a refreshing shower. But he didn't get any reply. So he looks at younger who is lost in thoughts.

"yeongah!" no response.

"yeongie!" nope.

"JO YEONG !" younger flinch at shout in his ears.

"Pyeha! why are you shouting ?" yeong ask older who is now laughing beside him.

"hey! what were you thinking so deep? you didn't hear my shouting at all. " Lee Gon said smiling at younger and caresses Yeong's silky hair.

"oh," yeong look at Gon. older is looking at him with worried eyes.

"What happened ?" lee gon ask again.

"no-no. nothing happened. I was thinking" younger replied.

"Thinking?About what?" lee gon pat his shoulder signaling younger to lean toward him. yeong slowly rests his head on the king's shoulder. Gon's hand sneak around younger's waist pulling him more toward his chest.

"Do you remember pyeha, my dream when I was young?" yeong ask playing with his fingers nervously.

"yeongah, I told you. Don't call me that. at least when we are alone. And yes, I remember. How can I forget it? You wanted to be my guard." lee gon replied smiling to memories.

"I want to do it " younger muttered.

"What?" lee gon ask in disbelief.

"I want to become Royal guard," yeong said looking at lee gon's eyes.

"Why?" lee gon questions. he couldn't believe younger want to become a royal guard. after him gaining his military position as a first lieutenant, he has a bright future ahead.

"so I can save you from danger, Hyung. " yeong replied.

"No. you can't. I won't allow it." lee gon said frowning.

Yeong sighs. "Why I thought you will allow me to it? I should do it without telling you. Like before." yeong muttered to himself.

"What are you mumbling?" lee gon ask again.

"Hyung, you said it before. I should tell my plans to you before doing. and you won't stop me doing it. but now when I told you. Why are you opposed to it?" yeong replied scoffing little.

"Yeongah" lee gon turns younger toward him and looks at his deep eyes. Younger look at King holding his gaze.

"Yeongah, I really like the idea you being with me every time. But becoming a royal guard and getting hurt to save me from any danger is another thing. I don't want to see you get hurt, because of me. and you will lose your freedom. you gained everything with your hard work. Why do you want to leave everything behind to be with me? I will love you no matter what you do. No matter where you will be. As long as you return to me. I will wait. you don't have to sacrifice everything to be with me. Please yeongah. I won't stop you doing anything you like. but this is-" lee gon said tearful eyes.

"Hyung, do you think I will be happy if I continue my work in Navy? not knowing what happens to you? being separate from you ?"

Yeong holds Gon's face with his both hands. Thumbs caressing his skin.

"No Hyung. It's not. I want to be with you. Beside you. in every situation you face-in. no matter it is bad or good. and my happiness lays with you. I am not sacrificing anything. I am gaining my chance to catch up past five years. I did everything to get this chance. I work hard to gain this position, so no one will talk about me using our friendship. I want everyone to accept that I am worth being with you. Worthy to be your unbreakable sword. so please, allow me to be your guard. allow me to be your sword in every fight. Allow me to be your life shield. Please pyeha. I am begging you" younger said looking at older with a look that lee gon can't think anything other than younger.

"But Yeo-"

before Gon finishes his line. he got cut off from pair of plump lips connecting his own. It was slow and with a lot of feelings. he felt a smile grow on his lips as the other smiled, fingers curling into Yeong's hair from the hands resting on the back of his neck now. Their lips moved slow, timed, soft exhales hit each other's faces as they sighed out happily. Yeong took his time coaxing Gon's mouth open with his tongue and soon their mouths slacked open to give room for the swirling heat of one another's tongues.

Lee gon's hands ran down from Yeong's cheeks to rest on the side of his neck, thumbs nestled comfortably on younger's jawline as their bodies were pressed together. Their kiss got from slow to needy, filled with want and pent up feelings and frustrations. Gon eventually pulled back after nipping down onto the plush lip, foreheads resting together as their mouths stayed agape. Both their eyes closed as lee gon felt a smile tug at his parted lips, nudging his nose over the younger's and only smiled wider once the action was reciprocated.

"I can't believe you. You kissed me to change my mind." King commented quietly, the amazement evident in his voice. Yeong smirk with his redden lips.

"This is not fair!" lee gon said sulking. He wants to deny younger's request. But looks yeong giving him change his mind. Aha!

"Believe me pyeha. Life is not fair!" younger continues giving him victories smirk. Yeong knew that he already won the argument.

"You! I am going to behead you."

With that Gon lunged toward making younger landed on his back below him. Hovering over yeong, lee gon devours him.


later at night, court lady Noh gets a text message from Yeong.

Mamaniem, I got approval.

Lady noh smiles looking at the text.

"I told you, you would get it."

With You || Lee Gon /Jo YeongWhere stories live. Discover now