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It was the first day in kindergarten, and the three boys seemed fine at the moment.

Everyone had managed to get to their classroom without a problem.

jisung, who was the youngest, was able to adapt easily to the activities that the teacher asked them to do.

He was having fun, until the break time where he had to eat and play on the playground.

The little boy, a bit nervous about interacting with the children for the first time, without the teacher being around, approached a small group of three children.
He asked them if he could eat with them and then play, but they just..

"No, we are already complete," a boy from the group said.

Complete? As if there was a problem that one more joined.
Sometimes children can be cruel.

To this, the little jisung only gave a weak smile and went to a bench where he began to eat his sandwich and chopped fruit that his mother had prepared for him.

Time passed, and his break came to an end.

The children heard the bell that indicated that the first year must return to their classrooms.

jisung, a little sad for not having made any friends, went to his classroom.


After ten minutes of ringing the bell, it rang once more, indicating that the second year could go out to play and eat.

This time hyunjin didn't try to get close to anyone during his break. He just went to the bench where jisung had sat and started eating his snacks.


Because, when the principal took him to his classroom, he introduced himself in front of his classmates, and the children began to murmur among themselves.

This, hyunjin noticed it and decided to stay away from those children.

During the break, no one tried to approach him. They were all in small groups, who already knew each other from the previous year.

It was as expected, hyunjin was new after all. Some children always treat the new one different, and that is something that happens between the different grades of school and even at jobs.

hyunjin finished his lunch and made his way to his classroom, even before the bell sounded for everyone to return to their classroom.

Later, the third bell sounded, indicating that the third grade could go out to their break.

minho didn't even bother leaving his classroom. He stayed there eating until the bell gave the sign to return to class.


This was the first day of the three boys during their lunch.

Now it only remained to wait for the bell to ring once more to point out that they could go home.

So it was.

All the boys and girls began to arrange their things and toys in the place where the teacher indicated them to and also grabbed their small backpacks to be ready to go.

The parents of each little one were outside the building waiting for them.

Each child could leave once their parents arrived and signed with the attendant that they had already arrived for their son or daughter.

Little by little, the building was emptying, and the kindergarten no longer looked as happy as when the children were in it.

It seemed that all the parents had gone for their children.

Except that there were still three little ones waiting for their parents.

For some reason or another, the parents had been delay, leaving three pretty boys waiting for them.

The principal gathered the three children on the small bench were jisung and hyunjin had eaten their lunch and asked them to be patient, that their parents were about to arrive.

The principal asked them to stay there and be obedient since she had to go and make some calls.


[To be continued]


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