~Chapter Forty- Epilogue~

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~Chapter Forty- Epilogue~

~Juaquin ~

         I slowly wake, sun high in the sky. It's been a long time since I've slept in like this. I sit up and look out the window at the ocean, the waters looks great today. On the window sill sits my Survival Suit Helmet, Nirivo's Helmet. I haven't needed it in quite some time. Not since I've decided to help out with the new PCC.

         I stand up and begin to head towards the stairs, when I look back at the window. I walk back to the window, open it, and step out onto the roof. Dad and I used to sit out on the roof and watch the ocean some days, while Melissa and Raul would do the same from their home. But it's just me now.

         I pace back and began to run and jump off the roof into the sands, tucking into a roll as I hit the ground.

         There is a concrete path just outside of our sliding glass doors that lead out onto the beach, a path that Eugenio can navigate with his wheelchair. I peer back into our house and enter. 

         "Mom? Eugenio?" I call out, but no one responds. The two of them must've went out while I was still asleep. Eugenio's been eager to take trips into town ever since the war ended. Today they're probably out helping with the restoration movement. Eugenio is always ready to help.

         There was a riot against the new Population Control in Errest, but thankfully Miro was able to stop it, and no one was hurt. Only some minor property damage. Thankfully people trust Miro, that's the only reason this new Population Control has been as well accepted as it has.

         I step out into the sun, and look at the abandoned Rios household. Melissa and Yolanda are gone and Raul has been missing ever since the war ended. Though General Victor has been adamant about finding him. Raul would be executed if found. The same for Ilyana.

         After learning of Raul's war crime, the government took his property from him. Had Melissa or Yolanda been alive, they would've inherited the household. But seeing as the home was built by both my dad and Raul, they decided the Rios Household should go to my mom and I. Neither of us knew what to do with it so it's sat idly by. I grab the keys to the Rios household.

         It feels ominous as I approach their home, opening their door and stepping inside. The living room had portraits of the Rios family, and of course pictures of my family with them. There is one with Raul, Yolanda, and Melissa when Melissa was 14. Raul had his arms wrapped around Yolanda, while Melissa leaned her head on her dad's shoulders, feigning a smile for the camera. She played along, but never enjoyed taking formal pictures like those. But it made her dad happy.

         On their table is a half finished meal, left there for who knows how long. Raul didn't spend much time here during the war, Yolanda was on her in that time. I peer into the upstairs bathroom and I get a feeling of dread. That was where Yolanda slit her wrists. That's what we were told at least. Only a few days after the battle of Sotra where Melissa was killed. Raul must've told her what happened.

         I stop at Melissa's room, and stand in front of her door for quite some time. My heart is beating fast at the mere thought of going in. I take the doorknob in hand and enter.     

         It's been years since I've been in here, not since I was much younger... It hasn't changed much. Bright pink decor around the room, a neatly made bed. A desk for schoolwork which had been left empty ever since the two of us graduated. It looked normal.

         There is a photo on her desk of Melissa, Arturo and I when we were 10. Melissa and I are making silly faces for the camera, while Arturo remains ever stoic.

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