~Chapter Twenty-Two- Victor Veran~

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~Chapter Twenty-Two- Victor Veran~



After I fully recover, Raul finally allows me to return to base. Small skirmishes with Miro's forces have taken place intermittently across the country. The new Survival Suit's in circulation help the military win in some of those battles. Now that Santoro is dead, the RLA seems to have dissapeared.

I've told Melissa and Arturo that I'd leave the military once the RLA was defeated. But with Miro active, I'm not sure what I should do. His only aim seems to be to disband the Population Control Council. He's left civilians out of it.

It wasn't until the Equality Zone was announced that I realized how eager Eugenio was to see other people. I always thought he was content with living with us. If Miro succeeded, Eugenio would be able to go outside, live a more normal life.

But it isn't that simple. In school, we learned that a terrible famine plagued this country and Population Control helped it recover. It could happen again if there isn't a plan. Dad and Lena died defending Population Control. I've heard countless stories of people who were rightfully taken by the PCC; [eople like Ilyana's parents, who everyone is better off without. Miro's Revolution may be trying to save the country, but they might do even more damage.

I've thought of leaving the military and washing my hands of the conflict, but that feels cowardly. Dad would never do that. So it isn't an option for me. But I'm conflicted about continuing to serve the military if it means fighting Miro. I can tell he's not evil like the RLA.

Raul and Ilyana both support Population Control vehemently and tell me Miro needs to be stopped. If I asked Arturo or Melissa, I'm sure they'd support Miro's Revolution. With them being gone for so long, there's a chance that they've joined Miro. A terrifying thought.

Mom and Eugenio simply want the fighting to end. If only that was an option.

With the polarizing opinions I've been given, I can't make up my mind. At base, I see Rico across the way, listlessly going through exercises with his squad. I wonder what he thinks? I find him during lunch.

"Rico," I take the seat next to him, "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure thing, Boss." Rico says casually, "I have a feeling I know what you want to talk about though."

"You do?"

"Yeah. You and Ilyana got into a fight, didn't you?"

"How-How would you know that?" I ask astounded.

"You two have seemed off lately. What happened?"

"N-Nothing." I lie. It's amazing how Rico notices things like that.

"Doesn't sound like it." Rico says jestingly.

"We figured it out. That isn't what I wanted to talk to you about though." I say, "What do you think of Miro?"

Rico gives me a perplexed look, "Are you looking to quit the military, Juaquin?"

I hesitate, "I don't know. With the RLA, it was easy to know I was fighting the bad guys. Now, I'm not sure."

"Miro's not bad. I see why he's fighting."

"Why're you fighting against him then?" I ask.

"Well, I work for the military to pay the bills, help the family out. But I've got to believe we need the PCC too. I mean, my parents were never rich people. If the PCC didn't take my grandparents, there's no way my parents could've taken care of them. It sucks, but I feel like it's for the best," Rico says, his stream of consciousness flowing out of him, "...Miro has killed a lot of our friends too. I'm still pretty sore about that."

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