~Chapter Thirty-Seven- The Fate of Rhivera Part 1~

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~Chapter Thirty Seven- The Fate of Rhivera Part 1~


~Moments later~

Raul looked like a mess back there, like he hadn't slept in weeks. I haven't seen him since we buried Melissa. I can only imagine how awful things have been for him. But now isn't the time to think about that.

We're being escorted into the capitol by military soldiers, met by the Emperor and Head General themselves. They close the great metal gate of the defensive wall behind us. Arturo, me, and the few dozen soldiers with us are surrounded. We're on our own. Arturo is noticeably tense.

Leading up today, Miro's followers collectively worked together to come up with a proposal to bring with us. Before we left, Arturo asked me to stay behind with the rest of his forces, "If I don't make it back, you need to keep things moving."

"That's why I need to go. To make sure you make it back." I told him.

Arturo assembled a few of his top commanders and some trustworthy soldiers to accompany us, a few of them donning Survival Suits. All of them with pasts and reasons for fighting.

Even with that, the Emperor and his forces could kill us easily now. Even with the weapons we have on us. I trust the Emperor wouldn't allow that though. He seemed like a reasonable man. On the off chance that fighting did break out, Miro's army is ready with their own counterattack. Arturo implied he had some additional measure, but he wouldn't tell me what it is. I just hope it won't be necessary.

We travel a short road to the capitol building as rain pours on the concrete. The lot of us trail water in with us as we enter inside. We come into a great hall with a pearl staircase and several Rhiveran Flags christening each side of the room.

Emperor Rhivon turns his attention to us, "Thank you all for coming. I'm glad that we're all willing to search for a non-violent resolution." He says politely.

Arturo sharply responds, "There've been multiple attempts in the past at a peaceful resolution. Avella Santoro comes to mind. You didn't agree to this meeting until after we started a war."

General Elian grimaces, and the soldiers surrounding us tense up. Damn it Arturo, don't stir them up. We're not here for a fight.

"Perhaps. But we're here now." The Emperor nods and says nothing more. Maybe he knows there's truth to that, but knows now isn't the time to linger on it. He gestures to elevators on the right. "We'll be holding our meeting on the 5th floor in a room for occasions such as these. Follow me."

Arturo pensively follows the Emperor, as do the rest of Miro's soldiers.

"You brought quite a number of you, so you'll have to take separate elevators." The Emperor presses a button and calls an elevator to us. The door parts, "Go on."

Arturo stares motionlessly at the elevator, "We're not going in."

"Why?" The Emperor asks.

"You really think I'd endanger my people like that?" Arturo accuses.

An agitated General Elian steps forward, "If we wanted you dead, we'd do it directly. Do you really think we'd stoop to something like that?"

"If you could make it look like an accident, yes." Arturo harshly responds.

He can't keep being so confrontational. This will never work if he does. We haven't even had a chance to talk things over yet.

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