~Chapter Twenty-Three- The Battle in Norino Part 1~

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~Chapter Twenty-Three- The Battle in Norino Part 1 ~


The sun shines brightly on the sand dunes of Norino. We've been lying in wait, watching closely for our enemy to arrive. Over the last few weeks, we've made Miro's presence well known throughout the northern regions. I figured that when we leaked information to the military that our hideout may be within the sands, they'd surely respond. But nothing as of yet. Miguel patiently watches the sands and awaits my orders.

We've been staying out of sight in the woods to the west of the dunes, near an exit point to the underground. Some of our forces are manned in the northern part of the dunes. Not many, but enough to draw in whoever might come.

I grip a switch in my hand, a wire protrudes from the bottom of it, leading to the ground and into the sand. If no one arrives, I may no have reason to use it, which feels like a waste after the effort we put in laying things out.

In time, the military does arrive, but it's only a few hundred soldiers. I planned on at least a thousand to come here, not meager numbers like this. I'm not sure if I should carry things out today. Each exit point across the country can only be used once tactically. After each use, we have to assume the enemy will discover the exit point and we won't be able to use it again.

I look through a scope at the military. If we decided to engage them, it'd be over in an instant. For once, we'd outnumber them rather than the other way around. Fighting a battle so heavily tilted in our favor seems... unheroic.

"Should we pull out, Miro?" Miguel asks.

I'm about to say yes, until I spot him. A white figure with a silvery helmet and blue visor among the other soldiers in the dunes. Is it Nirivo? All of the new survival suits the military has made are blue. I've only ever seen the one white Survival Suit.

I hand the scope over to Miguel. "That might be Nirivo down there."

Miguel peers through, "It does look like it's him."

"Nirivo has become a bit of an icon to the military. Bringing him down would hurt their morale." I explain.

"What are you thinking?" Miguel asks patiently.

We put all this effort into setting things up today, it seems like a waste not to make use of it. Using our trap in the sand, we may be able to defeat them without any casualties on our side.

I pause for a moment before grabbing my radio, "Battalion C, take the high ground and fire on them. Once they counterattack, fall back north to the checkpoint. We'll be along soon."

I hand the switch carefully to Miguel, "When I give the order, detonate this. I'll use Battalion A to attack them from behind. Stay with the rest to guard our exit point."

I begin to walk away when Miguel grabs my shoulder, "Are you sure about this Miro?" He asks, appearing concerned.

"It'll be fine. Trust me."

Battalion C fires upon the military, and they scatter across the dunes for cover, trudging through the sands. A single soldier sprints up the dunes and immediately returns fire, the one in white Survival Suit. There's no doubt it's Nirivo. That's the same brazenness he displayed at Mount Rhive.

My forces feign retreat north just as I ordered. I travel with Battalion A, who circles behind the military from the woods. They follow at a measured distance while spreading out, preparing to flank them when Battalion C reaches the checkpoint.

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