~Chapter Thirty-Five- The Emperor~

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~Chapter Thirty Five- The Emperor~


~Moments Later~

         A pleasant breeze runs across the bridge past me as I wait. I place my hand on the sturdy stone beneath me, I'm always impressed by this particular bridge. The longest in the country, connecting the regions of Desi and Illesto.

         When I was a child, Illesto was considered the dead end of the country. One would have to risk fording the great river separating the northern regions from the south. That or passing through Norino and Tolesta before reaching a bridge that would take one south. It's probably why Illesto has the lowest population of any region and is still quite rural. When my Uncle became Emperor, he saw the need for such a bridge and demanded it be built.

         Only a few meters from me stands several of Miro's soldiers, each armed and clad in black. I take a seat at the side of the bridge, waiting to hear back from them. I only wished to speak to their commander. Whoever that may be.

         Even after Miro's death in Norino, their army hasn't waivered. We remain at a stalemate. The war could go on for years unless something was done.

         None of the Generals would ever seek to make peace with Miro. Especially General Raul who was distraught after the death of his daughter. I'm sure the notion of speaking to the enemy was unfathomable to him. So, I'm taking matters into my own hands.

         When I tried to pass the military's line of defense toward Miro's army, of course they tried to stop me. But once I made it clear I was intent on going ahead, they could do nothing. A perk of being Emperor.

         One of Miro's soldiers seems fidgety, his hand hovering around the trigger of his rifle. I know it's likely that Miro's forces would kill me. It was why I couldn't tell the Generals about my trip today, they never would've let me endanger myself like this.

         If I'm killed today, so be it. Everyone will know that Miro's forces are beyond reason then. There are worse days to die.

         Miro's soldiers turn their attention northward on the bridge. I see a

a black cloaked figure in an ebony helmet and a white figure with a silvery helmet and blue visor walking towards us. Miro is alive? No. This must be someone else donning the same guise. But why is Nirivo with him? Last I heard he went missing after the battle in Sotra.

         I place my hands on my knees and push up, raising myself until I stand upright. With age, such a simple thing becomes much more difficult. Miro and Nirivo speak to those soldiers briefly before passing them by and heading towards me. Miro is walking rigidly towards, while Nirivo seems much more relaxed.

         I smile graciously, "Greetings. I didn't expect Miro himself to meet me. Or Nirivo." I say, "I was under the impression you were killed in Sotra, Miro."

         "Perhaps I was." Miro says derisively, his voice unnaturally deepened from within the helmet.

         "I never thought I'd get the opportunity, but I'd like to thank the both of you for saving my family from the RLA back at that Equality Zone incident. It's thanks to you two that my son is alive." I say. I've been hoping I'd be afforded an opportunity to thank them.

         "What're you doing here?" Miro asks impatiently.

         I stop smiling, "Well, I don't know about you. But I'm tired of people dying."

         Miro abruptly says, anger pervading his words, "If you're tired of people dying, you should've destroyed Population Control decades ago."

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