~Chapter Six- The Survival Suit~

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The Survival Suit Arc chapter 6-12

(7/10/21) Self edited and peer edited

Peer edit by Mikrokosmostae 

~Chapter Six- The Survival Suit~


I wake up early as usual, taking care not to wake Yolanda as I suit up. Before I leave, I peer into Melissa's bedroom. Empty. Again.

Ever since her graduation she's been out of the house at strange hours, no doubt with that Montoya boy. I'm sure she's just going through a phase with him. She'll learn he's no good and move on soon enough. She has to.

I head out of the door for the military base. Early morning are always the best time to get work done; that's why I reach the base before dawn most days. That was something I learned from Eugenio early in our careers. With how busy things have been lately, I need to get started as soon as possible.

Yesterday Miro's forces struck again in Illesto, killing one of their lieutenants. He's becoming a nuisance. Lena thinks that they're becoming an even greater threat than the RLA. It took the incident in Sotra's jungle for me to realize that.

I gave the order for Sotra's jungle to be searched extensively after what happened to Juaquin there. After several days of searching, they came across a tunnel covered by shrubbery that must've been used for their escape. When my soldiers traveled inside, they found that the path had collapsed. Miro must've blocked his escape after they fled.

Juaquin and Ilyana's squad go through exercises in the battle room early in the morning. I haven't assigned them to a new Sergeant, and I'm not keen on sending them out another mission after nearly losing them in Sotra. I can't let anything happen to Juaquin. But I could see him resenting me for giving him special treatment. That's just the sort of boy he is. But I have an idea for keeping him safe.

Lena is coming through Uneva today with a present. Her convoy arrives at the military base at noon, prompt as always. I greet her at the gate. She wore a bold looking military uniform, more extravagant than my own.

"Good to see you, General." I keep up formal appearances in front of the rest of the base.

"Good to see you as well, Colonel Rios." Lena has the same dark tan and black hair that all in her family shared. Her long hair was tied behind her into a short ponytail. Her sharp eyes intimidated nearly all who met her; when I was a younger man a look from her would've frozen me in place. But I've known her for far too long for it to affect me anymore.

Lena grips a white suitcase which only a few know the contents of. But that will have to wait. She meets with me and my most trusted subordinates. We update her on the state of things in Uneva. With our recent efforts, we reduced the threat of the RLA in our region greatly. If there are still members of the RLA here, they are few and in hiding. Lena doesn't seem the least bit surprised.

"The RLA is hardly a threat anymore. I anticipate that in the next few months we'll be able to eliminate the RLA completely. " Lena states confidently after hearing our report, "Miro is who we should be focusing on now."

After the meeting, Lena and I leave for my quarters. She sets the white suitcase on my desk and reveals its contents to me.

I look down at it, "This is it?"

"What do you think? Is it the same as what Miro used?" She asks.

"I'm not sure. I'll have to ask a soldier from Corporal Ilyana Ferzo's squad." I respond, "They saw Miro. They would know."

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