~Chapter Eleven- The Battle of Mount Rhive Part 2~

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~Chapter Eleven- The Battle of Mount Rhive Part 2~


~Moments earlier~

The sound of gunfire is deafening. Smoke and muzzle fire fill the air. General Lena is shouting at us, trying to deliver orders, but I can't fully hear her over the chaos.

We're pinned down in a large room within the RLA base, struggling to find cover. Be it the supply boxes strewn about, tables, or the bodies of the fallen. Lena directs us into positions where we can defend against the enemy coming into the room. We're doing our best to control this room, but it's difficult with how many are coming after us.

At my feet lies the body of one of my squad mates, one of many. I step out from behind cover, making myself a clear target, knowing the Survival suit will protect me. Every bullet fired at me is a bullet that could've hit one of the others. I use my body to block potential gunfire from hitting Rico and Ilyana. I can't tell how much of our squad is still alive. We won't hold out like this for long.

Lena struggles to communicate with her forces outside of the base via radio. From what I can glean, they aren't faring much better than we are in here. More of Miro's soldiers appeared from nowhere and attacked them outside, just like what happened in the jungle.

We never should've chased after Miro. As soon as that dark figure came into view on the mountain, the General gave chase. They lured us into what must be the RLA's base; about a hundred of us must've followed Lena inside. Miro and the RLA must be working together.

We're being attacked from three separate pathways. Bodies are beginning to pile up around the left path from the intense pressure of the attack from that direction. That's where the greatest number of enemy soldiers are coming from.

"Ilyana!" I yell over the roar of bullets pervading the room, "We should attack the left pathway!" I point that way in an exaggerated manner. She nods and orders the remaining members of our squad to focus fire in that direction. It seems to help slightly, but our numbers are still dwindling. We're losing someone with each minute.

"Nirivo!" General Lena yells. There was distress in her voice, but she still sought to remain collected. If not for her, everyone else might've been lost to panic. I take a bullet to the thigh moving over to her but the Survival Suit protects me, "I need you to go down that left path. Take out as many as you can!" She orders.

Lena realized most of the enemies were coming from that direction as well. I stand and approach the pathway and am met with a blizzard of bullets. RLA soldiers stand at the opening of the path; there's a look of horror on their face as they see I'm unaffected by them. I draw as close as I can before I return fire, and they begin to fall back.

I push further down that path and leave the rest of my squad. If I can control the flow of enemies here, the rest of the squad should be able to hold out, at least for a while.

Down this path there is no cover and I'm forced to withstand direct gunfire. I'm sure I'd be in terrible pain right now if not for the adrenaline of the situation. The RLA falls back as I press forward.

I pull the trigger again, but nothing happens. I'm out of ammunition. RLA soldiers charge towards me. I drop my rifle and take my pistol in hand. It slows them down, but the sheer number of them are too many to stop.

I look at the person leading the pack and fire at everyone besides him. I want him to reach me first and alone. Once he was only a meter from me, I shoot him in the leg and tear his rifle from his grip. As soon as I take the rifle from him, I fire at my pursuers, unloading everything until this rifle is empty as well. Screams echo through the base. In moments the bulk of them have fallen to the floor, while the others flee. If they reached me while unarmed, there would be nothing I could do.

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