~Chapter Twelve- Victory & Defeat~

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~Chapter Twelve~


I guide my forces and the RLA's to an exit point into the underground to the west of Mount Rhive. The military strolls past it, but we're long gone by then. We wait until it's safe to travel through various underground tunnels through the region until we reach our base in southern Joldair. Nearly all of the RLA we fought alongside join our ranks.

We're met with high praise when we return to base. We've proven to everyone what we're capable of. All across the country, more join our forces after hearing of our overwhelming victory against the military.

"We may have not killed General Lena or Nirivo, but this is a huge success for us," I tell Melissa over the radio.

"A lot of people see it as a victory of the RLA, not Miro. The news stations are branding Miro as a terrorist." Melissa responded.

"Our government doesn't kill without cause like you."

For some reason, Nirivo's words linger in my mind. "We'll prove them wrong." I say.

I spend the next few days in Joldair, lying low and solidifying the position of Miro's army within the region. Despite the victory, we're still tight when it comes to rations. Only so many of those living in our settlement are able to contribute.

Some are too old to be able, and we're happy to support them. If left on their own, Population Control would take them. But there are a few troublesome individuals that could help and choose not to. Most of our underground settlements are like this, but we manage to get by.

One day, a crowd forms in our settlement. Miguel, Trinidad, and I find a woman at the center of the crowd. She's recently discovered she's pregnant. She receives congratulations from everyone, apparently she's been trying for quite some time.

This woman joined our settlements after leaving her job. She wasn't in danger, at least not when she left. It became clear with time that she decided to go into hiding with us simply because she didn't want to work. She was one of the troublesome people who never contributed to our community. Only reaped its benefits.

She smiles when she sees me, or rather Miro. She asks if she happens to have a son, if she can name him Miro, blissfully unaware of how angry I am. I can't help but become upset with the woman.

"We're struggling for supplies as it is, and you decide to have a child?" I chastise her, "It's not fair for the child to be born underground and in hiding. What sort of mother are you?"

The woman is stunned, as is everyone else. "I-I'm sorry, Miro."

I address everyone around, "I ask that no one else do something so irresponsible. We have enough mouths to feed." I leave them with those parting words.

Miguel stops me before I return to my quarters, "I don't think I've seen you get worked up like that before."

"I try not to." I remark, "Do you think it was unwise of me to say that?"

Miguel lazily shakes his head, a candle illuminating the space between us. "Not at all. Mind if I ask you something?"

"You may."

"Can you tell me anything about your parents?" Miguel asks. It was the first time he's ever asked something personal like that. Plenty of others have, but it was the first from him.

I remember what life was like when mom was around. Always struggling, staying in whatever home would take us. At least until she married Antonio and we moved into the estate.

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