~Chapter Twenty-Four- The Battle in Norino Part 2~

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~Chapter Twenty-Four- The Battle in Norino Part 2~


~That same day~

That moment when the mines went off was so vivid. Rico and I were leading the charge after Miro's forces, when the ground beneath us suddenly burst. The area was surrounded in sand and debris. I was knocked to the ground... but Rico wasn't so fortunate. When I finally got to my feet and found Rico, his body was disfigured, broken, and he was bleeding horribly.

He wasn't breathing. I told myself he was just unconscious and needed to be woken up. I pumped his chest and tried to revive him in the haze of debris. It wasn't until Miro's soldiers attacked that I finally snapped to reality and realized he was gone. He was wearing a necklace, one he said was gifted to him from his grandmother years ago. He said it brought him good luck. I took it off his body, hoping I could return it to his family, so they had something left of him.

I thought for sure I was dead when Miro's soldiers caught me, but reinforcements came from the north. General Victor must've planned this out to an extent. Miro's army disappeared into the woods, and another series of explosions went off behind them. Wherever Miro goes, destruction follows.

When I finally reached the woods, it was dusk. Victor's army idled around an underground exit point hidden among the trees. It looked like Miro had fled further west.

An azure Survival Suit user approaches me as I enter the woods. From the emblem on their chest, I know it's Ilyana. Without thinking, I run to her and embrace her tightly.

Who knows how long we held each other like that before finally breaking away, "Did anyone else make it?" Ilyana asks, dried tears under her eyes.

I shake my head. I ask, "Where is the General?"

There is a crowd of soldiers grouped together, around them are the bodies of soldiers in the black uniforms of Miro's army. At its center, is opening to an underground tunnel, the one Miro must've planned to escape through. Victor's soldiers are already being sent down into it to investigate.

I find General Victor near the 'exit point', planning his next move. I interrupt his talk with the other higher officers.

"Glad to see you made it, Nirivo," Victor acknowledges me nonchalantly. How dare he act like that?

"You led us into a trap!" I yell as I march toward him. Two Survival suit soldiers step in my way, protecting Victor.

"I had no way of knowing what was waiting for you out there. I did all that I could with the information I had," Victor replies without empathy. He watches the nearby soldiers in case I'm about to do something drastic. He wasn't wrong to be cautious after what he put us through.

"Everyone who went with me died in those sand dunes because of you!"

"And now, Miro is on the run and will soon be dead. Then all the fighting will be over." Victor responds coldly, "I'm sending nine of my own Survival suit soldiers to lead the charge in chasing after Miro and I'd like you to lead them. Who better to end Miro than you?"

I know he's trying to use and manipulate me again. But... I want to see Miro dead. He knows that and is using it to his advantage. But I don't care. "Let's get moving as soon as possible."

"Of course," Victor smirks, which only enrages me more. I'll direct that towards Miro.

Victor's Survival Suit squad is formed and we prepare to head into the woods after Miro, with the rest of the army ready to follow close behind.

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