~Chapter Five- Miro~

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~Chapter Five- Miro~


Sotra, the southern region of Rhivera, has miles of jungle spanning across its southern coast, and was teeming with wildlife. There are strict laws on hunting within the jungle. At the government's discretion certain months permit hunting. While the rest of Sotra has cities and towns, the jungles are largely untouched. Business owners in Sotra have tried to have part of the jungle torn down to expand their companies, but the government was steadfast in maintaining it. It makes sense why Weaktowns would be formed there. People can live off the bounty of the jungle, albeit illegally.

Sergeant Gutierrez forms up the squads under his command. We take military vehicles and depart eastward for Sotra towards the jungle as different squads have been directed to enter the jungle from different points. Our squad was ordered to enter the jungle nearest to the coast.

We leave our vehicle and march into the jungle. The humidity here is only made worse by all the gear we're carrying on us. All the while I'm thinking over what I'll do once we find the Weaktown. Everyone else has made peace with the mission and is ready to carry it out, but I still don't feel comfortable executing those living in the Weaktown-- even if they're breaking the law.

We spread out to cover as much ground as possible. As we travel deeper in I hear rustling behind us. It feels like we're being watched. But I spot monkeys moving through the trees away from us. What appears to be a panther in the brush pounces away as we approach. That must be it. All manner of wildlife scurries away as we continue.

After an hour, nothing had been sighted. Over the radio we find that the other squads hadn't found anything either. Honestly, I hope it stays that way. I'd rather not find the Weaktown.

"Halt." Ilyana suddenly says in a hushed tone. Everyone snaps to high alert and takes cover amidst the trees. In the distance I see makeshift tents and canopies. Ilyana speaks into her radio. "Possible Weaktown in sight; Moving in. Over."

We carefully approach the small settlement, keeping an eye out for lookouts. But we enter the town without resistance and find no one. I'm honestly relieved. Whoever was here had gotten away. I come upon a circle of rocks in the center of the Weaktown meant for a campfire, the ashes were still hot, only recently snuffed. If the residents of the Weaktown had only recently left, maybe they could get away ...


With our numbers and Sotra's forces we'd surround them in no time. Chances are there's no escape for them.

"Signs indicate the Weaktown was abandoned recently. They must be close." Ilyana says, "Keep looking."

"Are you alright Juaquin?" Rico asks like a concerned older brother.

"I'm fine." I say quickly. I'd rather not show my worry.

A loud noise comes from the north of us. A series of gunshots echoes through the jungle, and the squad readies themselves.

A bullet whizzes by us and strikes a nearby tree, and we all rush for whatever cover we can find. I can't say for sure, but it looks like the bullet came from the west, the way we entered the jungle from. We look around us, but see no one. Whoever it is, it must be a sniper. Gunfire continues to boom from the north. There must be a fight going on there.

Ilyana grasps her radio, "What's your situation?"

There's a delay before someone finally responds over radio, "We're surrounded! Get over-"

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