~Chapter Four- The Military~

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~Chapter Four~


~June 2020~

~Present Day~

There's a derelict building in Northern Uneva that was once a prison. Ever since Population Control was established, a place where the government housed and fed criminals no longer made sense. Now the government uses fines and takes away certain rights for a period of time to deter crimes and if a person's crimes are severe enough, then Population Control will take them.

The prison was abandoned and has deteriorated over the years. It's only a matter of time before it is torn down. But tonight we believe the RLA is holding hostages there. It's their typical routine, the RLA holds hostages and threatens to kill them if the PCC isn't disbanded.

Corporal Ilyana Ferzo lays out a blueprint of the prison in front of us, and the squad takes in the details of the building. There are fifteen of us in Ilyana's squad now, including myself. I've been with them for nearly two years now. All of us are dressed in the standard blue and white uniforms of the military.

When I turned 16, I joined the military under Raul's watchful eye. Both Raul and mom insisted I work for the military part time until I finish school. I plan to stay with the military until the RLA was finally gone. After that, I'd do something to help Eugenio so he wouldn't have to be trapped inside anymore.

My classes in school facilitated a lot of my military development such that my training period was very brief. It took a few months before I was assigned into Ilyana's squad and a few more until they felt comfortable bringing me on missions like these. But Ilyana seems to have faith in me now.

"We need to find out where in that building they're holding the hostages before we make a move." Ilyana says glaring down at the blueprint. Her short black hair is tied into a bun behind her to keep it from getting in her way. She's a 22-year old woman who is intent on rising through the ranks of the military. Raul has said that her eagerness to prove herself is reminiscent of himself at that age. "Juaquin, Rico. I'm sending you into the prison. Radio us once you've identified where they are. Stay out of sight."

I nod, but Rico silently pouts as he often does. He was a 28-year old man who preferred not to overextend himself. Ilyana couldn't help but push him.

I do my best to remember the blueprint's details so I can navigate the prison. The entrance on the western side seems like the best place to start. Even if they have lookouts, they likely won't be positioned there. They have no idea we've tracked them down so as long as Rico and I don't blow it, we have the advantage.

Ilyana and the rest of the squad take positions around the prison while we head inside. We peer through the darkness of the prison, our automatic rifles ready in case we're discovered. In these confined quarters, I'm prepared to draw the 9mm pistol at my hip. It'll serve us better if engaged up close. Hopefully it doesn't come to that.

We pass by cell after cell of the prison, I can only imagine being detained in one of them for years. I'd go crazy. I can see how the threat of that once kept people from committing crimes.

Rico and I inform Ilyana that it looked like the western part of the building is empty. We start to hear idle chatter as we go further. We step as quietly as we can and approach.

We enter the mess hall from a metal balcony surrounding the room which must've served as a lookout spot when the prison was active. There are a few in dark green camouflage uniforms, typical dress of RLA soldiers. All armed. After circling the room from the balcony we spot the hostages, four cowering teenagers around my age, probably ready to graduate. They had their heads down, hoping not to upset their captors.

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