~Chapter Thirteen- The Veran Family~

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The Equality Zone Arc
Chapters 13-18

(7/10/21) Self edited and peer edited

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~Chapter Thirteen- The Veran Family~

~Lena ~

The Emperor called me to the Capitol of Rhivera, along with many other high ranking individuals. There's something he wishes to relay to all of us. I hope it isn't about the Battle of Mount Rhive.

Ever since that defeat, the country has been in a commotion. Our failure to track Miro down afterward didn't help. I've gone back over the battle day after day, thinking about what I could've done differently. I underestimated him, I won't make that mistake again.

I hugged my son and kissed my husband before departing with my escorts for Desi, the western region of Rhivera. As we enter the region, the road is lined with many monuments to battles of the past. From the horizon I see a large structure emerge, we've arrived at the Capitol.

All around, flags are touting our country's colors high in the sky. The Capitol building itself is merged with the military base of Desi. The perimeter wall of the capital is several stories high, with turrets manned along it and incredibly sturdy, making it the most formidable of all our bases.

At some points around the perimeter walls, one can still see the scars of the final battle of the Veran Rebellion, where our family took the Capitol from the then king of the Country. My father witnessed those battles himself, long before I was born. The area surrounding the capitol is largely rural, with the nearest city center being a few miles away.

I visit the military district of the Capitol: as always it's in perfect shape thanks to Felix and my father. I take note of the way it's ran, perhaps I'll be able to apply those same standards to the bases under my control.

I enter the main capitol building with my guards and am met with the always ornate and perfectly maintained building. Rhiveran flags christen every wall possible, and the floors and walls are polished to perfection. There's no doubt that Korina has some part to play in the appearance of this place.

"General Lena, they wanted you in the Boardroom on the fifth floor." An attendant says as I reach their desk. I simply nod and take the elevator up.

On the fifth floor I find my two brothers, Belo and Victor speaking with one another. Belo resembles our father, he's a stout bearded man. Victor and I have always resembled our mother more, both of us fairly tall and thin. But Victor's sharp and intimidating eyes are all his own. The three of us all share the same dark tan and black hair that everyone in our family shares.

Victor shares a similar uniform to my own, designating his rank as another General of the country. Belo was in a stiff-looking suit, the sort of thing those working in the Government Business Bureau would wear.

Belo locks eyes with me and clumsily rushes over. He throws his arms around me, "I heard that you were caught in the Battle of Mount Rhive. I 'm glad you're okay, sis." Belo says, never one to hide his emotions.

My body tenses up. Ever since the battle, I've heard whispers of people doubting me. I feel ashamed to be a part of the battle more than anything. Though I don't show it.

"It would take far more than that to kill me." I say with a smirk.

Victor makes his way over, "Do you have any idea what this meeting is about?" Victor inquires, sparing formalities.

"No clue. I was hoping one of you would know." I respond. Both of them shake their heads.

The three of us walk the halls and find my father Elian with Felix in the hallway. They're looking at a portrait on the wall of the previous Emperor, my grandfather. They're no doubt reminiscing about him.

Rhivera (Complete Novel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora