~Chapter Thirty-Eight- The Fate Of Rhivera Part 2~

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~Chapter Thirty Eight- The Fate of Rhivera Part 2~

~Juaquin ~

         We burst from the meeting room, bullets scarring the previously polished and perfectly maintained walls around us. Miro's soldiers group up and return fire at Ilyana and those few with her. With her Survival Suit she's unfazed, but the rest of her soldiers begin to fall back, overwhelmed by our numbers. But it will only be moments before we're met by the rest of the Capitol's forces.

         Arturo points to the Survival soldiers under his command, "Guard our front and backs! Act as our shields! Let's move!"

         We begin through the hallways of the capitol, rushing to eastern end of the building per Arturo's command, passing by all of the emptied office rooms there.

         "What happened in there Miro?" A soldier who wasn't present for the meeting asks.

         "Some rogue military soldiers killed the Emperor and are framing us for it. They didn't want our peace meeting to go well."

         Why? Why would Ilyana do something like that? We were close to a solution! We were right there!

         We pass by the hallway to the elevators, and are immediately met with gunfire once again. Word has already spread, they believe we killed the Emperor. The Survival Suit soldiers and I step forward and deal with our assailants, other soldiers who had just taken the elevator up. Bullets strike the metal doors of the elevator, and those soldiers fall to us. We were still dealing with small enough numbers that we could handle them.

         "Destroy the elevators." Arturo orders, "That will slow them down a bit."

         Without much haste Miro's soldiers run up to the elevator, open the door and toss a grenade in and swiftly return to us. The elevator combusts and a terrible metal screeching comes from the elevator as it plummets down. A horrible crash is heard as it strikes the the ground floor.

         Outside I can hear turrets being fired, and missiles being launched from the defensive wall's surrounding the capitol.

         "Find the stairs. Everyone move east and stay together!" Arturo commands. We move, and I stay at the back of the group ready to defend us. I'm sure Ilyana is close at our heel.

         "What's going on out there?" Arturo asks through the radio as we continue.

         A distressed Commander on the other end of the radio answers, "The military just started unloading on us Miro! The Capitol's defenses are able to hit us, and all of the military's forces are moving toward us. What happened in there?"

         "Don't concern yourself with that now! Just focus on the enemy in front of you. Have our forces fall back until you're out of range of the capitol's defenses and draw out the enemy as we discussed." Arturo urgently spouts. He's getting every word he can out before we're met with more soldiers here.

         "What about you?" The Commander asks through the radio.

         "We'll do what we can to support you from here. Don't worry about us. I'll be unlikely to be able to deliver orders from here. It's up to you now." Arturo responds.

         Before they can respond, Arturo changes the frequency and speaks into the radio again, to someone else, "It's happened. It's time to move out."

         "Understood." Another voice replies simply.

         More gunfire rings from behind us. I feel a stinging feeling in my back, and a few of the soldiers near me drop to the floor. I look back and see a group of military soldiers rivaling our own.

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