~Chapter Thirty-Nine- The Fate of Rhivera Part 3~

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~Chapter Thirty Nine- The Fate of Rhivera Part 3~

~Juaquin ~

         My ears are still ringing from the drumming of gunfire from the last few hours. My ribs have a throbbing pain from the fall I took earlier. But finally the fighting ceased. Miro's army surrounds the military and forces them to disarm. With that, Miro's army was undeniably the strongest fighting force in the country.

         Both sides are still confused at what started the battle. Word started to travel through that Miro murdered the Emperor during the meeting. That Miro had used the peace meeting as way to get inside the Capitol and take over its defenses.

         Miro's army is demoralized by the idea, "We wanted to win. But not like this." I heard one of them say around a group.

         "Why did you do this Miro? Why kill the Emperor. I really thought we were trying to negotiate." Commander Trinidad asks Arturo.

         "We didn't. The military turned on the Emperor." Arturo responds. Trinidad stares back at him, doubtful. He didn't believe him. most didn't.

         We have to prove we didn't kill him. Though we tried, no one could find Raul. But we found Ilyana. His forces left her laid out on a stretcher. She's injured, but it isn't clear how badly. Arturo and I go to see her.

         "Tell everyone what you did." Arturo demands harshly.

         "I don't know what you're talking about." Ilyana feigns ignorance.

         "You killed the Emperor under General Rios's orders." Arturo accuses.

         Ilyana sneers at the two of us, "You can't just tell lies Miro. The people will never trust after what you did." 

         I remove my helmet and look at her, "Ilyana, please."

         Ilyana looks at me, her eyes still harsh.  "Hope you're satisfied Juaquin. Population Control will be destroyed after this." I'm done talking to you. If you want to execute me, go ahead."

         "What do you want done with the military soldiers Miro?" One of his commanders asks.

         "After they've all been disarmed, let them go. All of them." Arturo orders solemnly.

         "Are you sure about that sir?"


         "...Yes sir."

         Thousands of military soldiers are let loose by Miro. Thousands of others had their bodies strewn about around the Capitol's defenses. Even General Victor is released, the last remaining General. Ilyana is taken by some of her companions from Uneva. Meanwhile, Miro's army solidifies control over the Capitol and the region of Desi as a whole. With this victory, the majority of Rhivera is under Miro's command. Only Uneva, Errest, Sotra and Rhy remain. There's little hope of the government and military regaining control.

         As I watch the thousands of soldiers leave, I say, "You know they'll try to regroup and counter attack later don't you?"

         "Yes. But, too many have died today." Arturo answers solemnly.

         "What now?" I ask. He's always seems to have a plan, I only wish he has another now.

         Arturo shakes his head, "I'll never be able to convince them Miro didn't kill the Emperor. All that we can do is carry on. Try to do the best we can for this country." 

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