~Chapter Ten- Battle of Mount Rhive Part 1~

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~Chapter Ten- Battle of Mount Rhive Part 1~


Mount Rhive has trees and shrubbery strewn about it's side, perfect for cover. As Miguel and I scale the mountain we know this place will serve our purposes as well. Trinidad and a few others accompany us.

After a few minutes of walking, I realize we have eyes on us.

"Everyone remain calm. The RLA is watching us at a distance now." I said, "They have a scout to the northwest of us."

Miro's followers look to the scout's position in the distance on a ledge. The scout is in the RLA's typical camo uniform, and as soon as he notices, us he moves out of view. In moments, other members of the RLA come from the woodwork and surround us.

"Come with us." The one leading them commands.

They lead us through the mountains and we come upon an opening in the mountain, a base of the RLA. I already knew it's location, but I don't want them to be aware of that quite yet. We're led inside, and armed soldiers follow us from behind. Trinidad becomes anxious, but Miguel is steadfast. Over us are overexposed lights which lit up the base. There are fortifications acting as cover near the entrance, surely in the event of an attack. We'll make use of those soon.

We're brought into a large room, the walls lined with members of the RLA, and an elevated stage at its center with a few individuals standing on it. They've been awaiting our arrival.

A man with a hefty beard and gut stands at the center of the stage and turns to me. As soon as all of us enter the room, he motions a few of his soldiers to block our way out. This makes Trinidad more anxious, but Miguel gives him a knowing look which calms his nerves.

The bearded man grins, "Greetings Miro! I am Santiago Garcia, one of Eduardo Santoro's most trusted commanders of the Rhiveran Liberation Army."

"Where is Eduardo Santoro?" I ask.

"He is far too important to deal with the likes of you. I've been asked to meet with you in his stead." Santiago replies in a pompous way.

"We were told we would meet with him personally." I respond calmly. I should've known he'd be too much of a coward to meet us personally.

"Well that's changed," Santiago aggressively points at me, "Remove that helmet now, Miro."

"I'll have to decline."

Santiago sneers, "You don't seem to understand your situation here, do you? From this day forward, Miro's army is a part of the Rhiveran Liberation Army. As my subordinate, you will do as I say."

I stay silent for a moment. But, unable to help it, I begin to chuckle. That chuckle turns into a heavy laugh. I couldn't contain myself, and it unsettles Santiago and the rest in the room, "Tell me something. Why is it that the RLA targets civilians exclusively? Is it because you're too weak to do anything else?"

"Watch your mouth!"

"You only harm those who can't defend themselves. That makes you no different than Population Control!" I turn my attention away from Santiago and to the rest of the room, "As of today, this base is part of Miro's army. You'll no longer harm the innocent; instead you'll fight those directly responsible for empowering Population Control. The government itself!"

Santiago motions to his soldiers in the room and they aim their rifles at us, "You hold no authority here."

"What will you do when the military arrives here then?" I ask.

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