~Chapter Thirty- The Battle For Sotra~

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~Chapter Thirty- The Battle for Sotra~


~Later that Night~

Night falls, and the spotlights around the perimeter of the base shoot beams of light through the darkness. Miro's army is to the east, trampling the ground between us, but through the dark, they can't be seen. Not yet.

Everyone waits for final orders from Raul... but nothing comes. When we go to find Raul, he's missing. Everyone begins to search for him, but we can't track him down. No one has left the base today in preparation for battle, Raul has to be in here somewhere!

The Colonel of Sotra takes charge in Raul's absence, "General Rios has given us our orders, we just need to follow them."

Everyone takes their positions. Tanks take point just outside of the base; soldiers are manned all across the eastern and southern perimeter walls. I'm placed with Ilyana's forces on the Eastern wall, each of us equipped with Survival Suits. Soldiers are tense with anticipation, gripping their rifles excessively tight.

Soldiers line the perimeter to maximum capacity, with others prepared to supply them with ammunition or take their place. They fight in defense of the system of Population Control and a promise of future prosperity for our country.

Ilyana and I look over the perimeter wall through the dark. I'm sure it was Arturo's plan to attack in the middle of the night like this. We can hear Miro's army advance through the dark. Those who fight in defense of those endangered by Population Control, and for a future where people like Eugenio won't want to be afraid.

I don't want anyone to die on either side.

Ilyana taps me, "Are you alright?"

My nerves must've been showing. "I'm fine. I wish no one had to die though," I say honestly. Maybe that's a silly thing to say right now.

Ilyana pauses, "It's Miro and his followers fault. They just can't accept that we need Population Control. This will keep going on as long as Miro is alive." Ilyana touts. She isn't the only one of that mind. Raul and so many others think the same way.

We just need to push back Miro's army. If we can force him to retreat, the fewest people have to die that way. If I get the chance to capture Arturo, I might be able to convince him to surrender, and the war can end without him having to be killed. Then the fighting will finally be over.

Ilyana and I clasp our hands together for just a moment before returning our attention to the coming fight. There is a spark in the darkness. A missile emerges from it and comes our way. I grab Ilyana and pull her away from the wall. The missile strikes near us, knocking both of us to the ground.

Our forces return fire, and the air is packed with the sound of gunfire, explosions, and screams. Muzzle fire fills the air, and I struggle to hear anyone. Ilyana might be trying to tell me something, but I can't make it out over the noise. She helps me up to my feet and makes her way back to the perimeter wall, and I follow.

Flares are fired eastward and reveal Miro's forces and their ebon uniforms. Their army has their own tanks christened black to match the rest of their forces. Missiles fly from our base at Miro's tanks.

I take point along the perimeter and fire down on their army. A soldier right next to me falls over after being struck. I kneel next to them. They're still alive. I motion them to the center of the base, trying to tell them to fall back for now. They get my signal and plod away, with another soldier filling their position. I feel several bullets hit the shoulder of my Survival Suit.

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