"Emperor...she will drown" Oslo mutters.

"Shut the fuck up Oslo" I cursed, making sure to let her suffer. Calla would never fear me unless she was taught a lesson. She could not keep crossing me thinking she would win.

A few minutes pass, about 2 minutes to be exact before I snapped to alert the guards; immediately they lifted her up.

"Open it" I ordered impatiently, anxious to see if she had survived the little ordeal. The guards unclasped the lock and tip over the chest, letting her fall to the gravel near the shores.

Cough* Cough* she gags, throwing up the water that had found its way into her lungs. She glared into my eyes, anger radiating inside her copper-colored orbs. Casually, I stepped over to her before clutching her jaw before forcing her to look into my eyes. "Escort the empress back to the palace. It seems as if she has lost her way?" I smirk, making sure to mock her efforts before returning to mount my steed.



I was wet and cold, my hair frizzy from the short-lived expedition. Tranquillity filled my room as I looked out the nearest window by my desk.

Darkness was all I saw.
The embers of the fire reflected off the sharp letter knife on my desk. How quick I was to snatch it and bring it to my throat. It would take one swipe, maybe two? Then, I would be free....

The door opens and I see Lizabeth with three towels in her hands along with some smelling salts. I turn to face her to see her reaction but she simply watched.

"Do not try to stop me Lizabeth"

"I will think nothing of it for I know the empress is sound of mind. With all the pamphlets and books she has read, I am sure her judgment is sound."

Silence fills the room again.

"Well... don't let me stop you, empress. Come on, do it then" she challenges me.

My hand quivers as I tighten the sharp edge to my protruding vein, panting as I feel the coldness against my skin.

"A shame. It will make you the 9th"

"The 9th?" I repeated after her.

"The 9th wife that has killed themselves under the rule of Emperor Leonardo." Lizabeth replied but still, I let the knife linger against my skin. I feel her heated gaze and throw the knife to the table, sobbing as I realize my lost chance at escape.

"I am a prisoner here...married to a mad man! A loon" I shouted throwing my head to the desk. I collect myself before staring out into the darkness of the night. "I feel as if I was meant for something Lizabeth. As if God himself plucked me from a cloud and spat me onto earth to do something great"

"Then why has he made you a woman?"

"I suppose to mock me? How foolish I was to think that" I chuckled, pushing my hair behind my ears. Lizabeth comes behind me, observing me silently until she bends to face me. "It is not a lineage." she whispers before taking the knife from the table.

"What?" I scoffed wiping my tears away to see her better.

"Genovia. It does not go to an heir if there is no heir empress" she says again, this time rather carefully. "Let's just say Peter were to die or fall tragically ill? The throne would go to you by default."

"Lizabeth... why are you telling me this? Especially at a time like this?" I say, rather annoyed at her incoherency.

She shrugged and stood, turning to grab the knife and the bucket. "Just an entertaining fact I thought I'd share empress" she turns around to face me once again. "And just so you know, you are not the only person who is unhappy. There are many people who are displeased with their lives in Genovia. They are looking for a leader"

"And is there one?" I whisper.

"I hope I am looking at her" Lizabeth says throwing the knife into the bucket.

And instantly, I knew what she proposed. She looked at me and smirked once she understood that I grasped her truth and turned to start my bath. "Shall I leave the towels near the bath Empress or do you want them by the door?"

But I didn't answer her.

All I saw was a vision with my name in the sand.

A fire igniting a lone timber in the middle of the lake on the edge of Genovia.

Ystev had said it himself that I was the chosen one
The one that would bring change to Genovia.

It was my will...my destiny.

"Empress?" Lizabeth sounded again. I looked at her then began chuckling. Louder and louder my song grew as Lizabeth watched with fear. Poor Liz, she had probably thought I had finally gone mad.

"Empress....are you alright?" Lizabeth asked, staring at me as I pushed my head to the table once more. She tilted her head but remained quiet as she watched me unravel.

Why hadn't I thought about it before?
It was so simple! So easy! So sane!

"Huzzah" I whisper to myself, looking into the bright stars that shone in the distance of he nighttime sky.


Author Note:

Next chapter...hmm.... I will keep it a secret but things are looking up for our good sis!!! I can't wait cause my face claim is <33333333333

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