Tears and Heartaches

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My finger inches towards the clicky thing at the end of the mouse and press the 'Yes' button.

THERE! I did it!! But now I feel like shit, but at least I'll be somewhere when no one can find me. I look at the time. 10:00pm. GOD, I'VE WORK TOMORROW!! I run to brush my teeth and put my dinner rubbish in the bin. I go to bed before looking at the view outside my window. I can see HIS house from here. Just before I go to bed, I think something out loud.

"I'm sorry Louis"

Harry P.O.V

"I don't know Louis, I text about 2 hours ago and she hasn't replied, so please stop crying" I pleaded. According to Louis, Sam broke up with him because of all the bad things he did. But what bad things?? He just burst into tears and everyone started asking questions, then everyone went to bed, except for me, obviously, and I'm trying to comfort Louis, which I'm completely failing at. I see that he's losing tears a bit, so I take this time to look at Sam's page on Twitter. But when I look it up, what it says completely gets me in the gut.

This account has been deleted by its user

It came to that?? Really, now that's just low, but I look at the recent tweets and see that she sent one just before she deleted her account. What it said made me sad, and that's quite hard to do. I hear Lou sobbing into my shoulder. I start rubbing his back, then I feel my phone go off. It's from Sam!!!!

"Louis, stop, I got a text from Sam!!" I say and start reading.

From - The Random One (AKA Sam) - Yeah, it's true, but ask him about the car crash, the brick through the window that got me a sore leg and the time-bomb thing, Harry, I'm sorry, I'm just not in the mood to explain everything and I'm kinda sad at the moment, plus I'm tired, and I've got work tomorrow sooo...yeah, tell Lou one more thing plz? Tell him I'm sorry, play 'Tell Me A Lie' from me, OK? ESPECIALLY THE CHORUS!! Love you guys, BYEE xx

I stopped reading and passed my phone to Lou. Once he finished he started singing the chorus to 'Tell Me A Lie'.

Tell me I'm a screwed up mess, that I never listen listen

Tell me you don't want my kiss, that you need your distance distance

Tell me anything but don't you say he's what your missin' baby

If he's the reason that you're leaving me tonight

Spare me what you think and...

Tell me a lie

After he finished, I looked at his eyes. They were full of sadness and...nope, just sadness. I felt powerless, like I couldn't do anything. I CAN'T DO ANYTHING!!! Ugh, why are relationships so hard?? I WASN'T EVEN IN ONE AND IT'S HARD!!! Anyway, he looked at me in the eye and said...

"I don't want to hear from her...ever" and went upstairs to bed. I sent one last text then I switched off my phone. I started thinking about how Sam feels. All alone...in her big home...with no one to talk to...


I went up the stairs to bed, why do I feel like I'm forgetting something??

Sam P.O.V

I woke up the next morning, looking at my phone on my way to work. I got a text from Harry.

From - Hazza xx - Yep, will do, Lou's not taking things well, so I'll ask him later and tell him sorry as well, Hope you feel better soon, BTW, don't let this be the last we...I...hear from you, I saw your last tweet and account activity, don't lose contact with the outside world, well, with me OK? ;-) Love you too, BYEE xx 

I parked my car and stopped for a second and started thinking how things look now. I broke up with Louis, on his birthday, which reminds me, it's christmas today, better give my pressies to everyone today, but back to the main point, and he isn't taking it well, neither am I, I cried myself to sleep last night, so Harry is texting me, making sure we're both OK, and I've lost all feeling for Louis, sooo, How did I go from wishing I could meet 1D to dating a member, to breaking a member's heart and mine as well? Actually, don't answer that question, I'll do that later. I removed myself form my car and started making my way to work and entered the door with a bag of presents. When I got in, the lights were dimmed and nobody was in. WTN??

"Hello?? Is anybody there??" I shouted. No reply, I turned the lights on and what I saw just left me with my jaw hanging open...

ELLO! I've finished the chappie!! I reckon that this is quite sad, I had to listen to depressing songs for this to work, sooo yeah, hoped it worked!! BTW, comment, vote, read, eat, sleep and do all things that are important!!

The song is Over Again by 1D because this is the musical beat that made me write this chappie!!  

P.S, MY B-DAY IS IN 3 DAYS!! YAAAAY! OK, I'll shut up now ;-)


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