Calls and Pain

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Louis’s POV

I dropped my phone in shock, the sound echoing throughout the room. I wasn’t sure if the screen was cracked, but at the moment, I really didn’t care.

Josh? Josh, our drummer? The same Josh who we’ve been touring with for the past 3 years? It couldn’t be. He was there when we performed in front of almost all of Paris. He even did the hand thingy that we do before we start every concert. I wanted to call Sam back.

I needed to.

I re-dialed her number. She picked up on the 3rd ring.

“Louis? Are you OK?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. What about you? The line went dead.”

 “Uh, I’m…*cough*...fine. Listen Boo, this isn’t the best time to call. But *sniffle* remember this, 35a Degons End. *sob* I love you Lou, don’t ever forget that.”


I was talking to a dial tone.

I threw my phone into the corner of the room. It wasn’t long until one of the boys came over to calm me down. I heard Harry’s voice from a far away distance. He was right in front of me in a matter of seconds, I just was toned out.

“LOUIS! Calm down, ok?” Harry’s comforting voice soothed my anger. I sat down with my fists at my sides, my head pounding at the sound of my racing heartbeat. I looked over at Harry, my eyes fueled with the anger that I’ve been avoiding for the last few weeks.

“Harry, she’s in trouble. Big time. Worse than what happened in Wales. She’s with Jess, and she was sniffling, and coughing and she sounded hurt and scared.” I spoke loud enough for the rest of the boys to hear. They came over to us to see what was the matter, their faces plastered with worried looks.

“Louis, it’s going to be O-” Harry started, but I cut him off before he could finish. With all the anger I had inside me, I lashed out verbally at Harry.

“DON’T YOU DARE SAY THAT HARRY! CAN’T YOU SEE THAT I JUST GOT HER BACK? AND NOW I’VE PRETTY MUCH LOST HER FOREVER THIS TIME. EVERY TIME SAM OR JESS HAVE HAD AN ACCIDENT, WE’VE HAD LUCK ON OUR SIDE. BUT NOW, THERE’S NO MORE LUCK LEFT. NO MORE LUCK HARRY. NO MORE.” My tears fell out before I could stop them. I dropped to the ground in sorrow and anger, my face buried in my hands. How could Josh do this? Why would he do this? What’s Josh going to do? But more to the point, who’s been playing the drums with us since Wales?

 I felt a hand on my back. I looked up, only to see Zayn. He smiled down at me. Not a forced one, a genuine one, although you could tell that it was pained. But his eyes. His big brown eyes. They’re full of sadness. Sadness and hurt. So much hurt. They used to look so much bigger and brighter. I miss those eyes. I probably looked the same. My blue eyes full of sorrow. My blue eyes that used to look so bright and full of happiness, now are filled with pain and a hint of sadness. I understand why Zayn’s sad though. It’s not just my girlfriend who’s in trouble. Jess is with her too. I wonder how Jess is doing. I haven’t talked to her in a while. Not properly anyway. I force a smile back at Zayn, who’s let a couple of tears flow free.

“No more.” He says, his smile still plastered on his face.

And the tears start to fall.


20 minutes pass and I am pacing around the room with the boys by my side trying to think of ways to save Sam and Jess.

The Girl From Down The Road (One Direction Fanfic/Romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora