Chapter 21

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Saad's pov :

I was completely full. But aunty had so generously emptied the food platter on my and bhai's plate that we couldn't even do anything about it but silently finish it. When she was feeding her mom, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about my parents. I missed them. This was such a special day and they weren't here for it. It would have been much more fun if they would have been here, I guess. But it could have turned out bad too. Who knows?

Maybe that's what Allah had planned. Maybe it wouldn't have turned out well that's why they weren't here. Because if they were meant to join us, then they would have been here. Because even bhai wasn't here but since it was written in his fate to be with us, to join us for this special day, he came. One way or the other he got to know and that too just one day before the nikkah and he came.

So it was all Allah's plan. I shouldn't be worried or think about what might have happened or anything. But I'm a human being and I couldn't always be how I want to be. Sometimes I let my mind wander off to think about things and sometimes I get lost in them. But I get out of them too. Like how, when I realised that she was looking at me, I averted my gaze. A lot of emotions were swirling in my orbs, I was aware of that fact, which was the reason for me to look away before she could read them.

It was sometime after aunty left and Emaan was settled back in her place finishing her food as she argued with her best friend that bhabi looked at me with raised eyebrows and eyed my plate, which still had some biryani and chicken on it. I silently gestured that I'm full and I will be dead if I eat any further. She nodded in understanding as a thoughtful look appeared on her face.

"Okay Saad, come on get up. Sit here and feed Atifa." Smirking, she stood up and gestured for me to stand up and follow her orders.

Baffled, I looked at her confused. "Bhabi..." My voice trailed off, not knowing what to say. I know I have to finish the food on my plate but that didn't mean that I was going to force her to eat it.

"Bhabi I'm full. It's okay, sit down." Atifa interjected, her eyes wide.

"What I'm full? You fed more than half of your food to aunty. How can you be full so soon?" Bhabi asked her with raised eyebrows.

It was then that I understood what her plan was. She wanted me to feed her because she knew she wouldn't eat on her own. And if I feed her, she will eat it and even the food on my plate will be finished. Bhabi is really smart, I give her that. A smile tugged at my lips but I resisted. This wasn't the time for it. I love my life and I would like to live a bit more.

"But I don't want to eat anymore." Atifa protested slowly. I just shook my head.

"No if's or buts. Come on Saad, get up!" Bhabi told her sternly before looking at me. Getting up, I took my seat beside her as bhabi settled beside bhai happily.

Bhabi urged me to start feeding her and I never felt more awkward and uncomfortable in my life. Like feeding a girl in front of everyone? It was... I didn't even know what it was. It was just different.

Sighing, I took a spoonful of biryani and extended it towards her. Glancing at her through my lashes, I waited for her to eat it. Pouting and glaring at bhabi, her gaze flitted towards the extended spoon before landing on me. Composing herself quickly, she averted her gaze before having the food, making me smile slightly.

I continued to feed her for a while until she held my hand, stopping me, before grabbing the plate from me. "It's okay, I will eat it myself." Then her gaze flickered in the direction of bhabi who was laughing at something bhai said. "She should have just told us that she wants to sit with her husband. What was the need of this drama?" She muttered with a frown, making me chuckle.

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