Chapter 141, Ben Solo

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/ First Person Protagonist POV /

I sat in front of him on the cold floor of the trench, not caring if waves would hit dangerously close and water soaked us continuously. My eyes skimmed his whole face and body quickly, taking in every detail of him. In front of me was the man I loved with all my existence. The one I was doing everything for the sake of bringing back, so we could be reunited once again, and never have to leave each other's side. 

I trembled and my breathing hitched in my throat. Reuniting with him had always been the best feeling in the world, but this time it was different, it was more important to me than ever before. Because I was now with the man I had promised everyone including myself to bring back. The man that had been yearning to come back for years, but had been torn and broken for so long, that he had forgotten how.

He smiled. His smile was so bright, so happy. That was the smile of light, of Ben Solo. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I tried to replicate his grin, my vision blurring.

I felt Ben's thumbs wipe the tears from my eyes, cupping both my cheeks warmly. " It's you..." I mumbled, placing my hand on his. " You're here, Ben."

" Y/n... I-" He stuttered, pulling me into a tight embrace before he could finish his sentence. Ben buried his face into my neck, and I leaned my head against his, tangling my fingers into his smooth and wet hair. " I'm sorry."

I pulled away slightly to look at his warm brown eyes, who seemed full of redemption. " You're sorry? No. Don't be sorry, Ben. You've got nothing to be sorry for."

" I am sorry." He repeated, shaking his head. " That I didn't take your hand, back on Naboo. That I didn't go with you. I am so, so sorry. I wanted to take it, but I couldn't. He couldn't take it." Ben cried, resting his forehead on my shoulder. 

I held onto the back of his head, stroking his hair lightly to try to calm him down. " Don't worry, it's okay. You're here now. You're here. You decided to come looking for me, and you found me, Ben." I reassured, locking our hands together.

I chocked on my words at the end, feeling little tears of happiness drip down my cheek. He wanted to take my hand. He wanted to turn to the light. There had always been light in Kylo Ren. Ben Solo was that light, and now, it shone brighter than anything inside of him. Now, he had taken my hand, just as I had taken his.

" I'm sorry I caused you to leave with torment." He mumbled. " I won't leave you anymore. We'll go anywhere in this galaxy, but we'll go together."

" Of course we will, silly." I smiled brightly. " I won't leave you either, Ben."

He nodded like a small child and sighed in relief, as if he doubted of what my answer could've been. " I'm so glad I found you this time." He repeated what I'd said before.

" I told you we'd meet again soon. That life always found the craziest ways possible to bring us back together."

He chuckled slightly, wrapping his arms around my waist. " It just happens to be on the Death Star ruins." He said with more enthusiasm in his voice. 

I laughed slightly. " And I'm not the one who got stabbed this time!" I tried joking, until I realized what I'd said. " Oh gosh. Sorry. That was a terrible joke. I shouldn't joke about stab injuries... My bad. Wait- you got stabbed. Let me look at your wound."

I lifted the bottom of his shirt, and just as I thought, Rey did force heal him. " Y/n, love, you're going to have to find a better excuse to see me shirtless, you know?" Ben said cockily, with a sly smirk on his face.

My eyes widened and I immediately pulled his shirt down, clearing my throat as I tried to get rid of the blush that had settled on my cheeks. " Glad to see your sense of bad humor is still alive and prospering nicely." I huffed.

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