Chapter 140, The Death Star

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" Are you mad, y/n?" Poe exclaimed, grabbing me by the shoulders. " We all agreed that what Rey is doing is dangerous, and you want to do the exact same?! I don't understand you Jedi."

I shrugged and looked out towards the Death Star remains, which Rey was getting closer to. " Believe me, Poe: I would rather go when the waves aren't that big and wild, but I won't let Rey go by herself. It'll be more dangerous alone for her, wouldn't you agree?"

He grumbled. " I hate that you make a fair point."

" For the first time, me too." I forced a side smile. " Jannah. Do you have any extra sea skiffs?" I turned to face the storm trooper.

She furrowed her eyebrows slightly in doubt and hesitated her answer. " Please, Jannah. I promise I'll bring it back intact. I'm pretty good at maneuvering." I insisted with pleading puppy eyes. " Rey's the last hope, I cannot let her go alone. I'd rather have your authorization to use a sea skiff rather than to do what Rey did."

Jannah sighed after some time of thinking. " Alright fine. But we're going with you." She crossed her arms over her chest. 

" We're what?" Poe visibly gulped. " I think I'm not going to go... Y- you guys go ahead, though. Someone's got to stay and fix the Falcon, am I right?"

We all looked at him with an unsurprised look as he smirked nervously. " Okay, you coward. Get the flying junk working as fast as possible. Hopefully we wont take too long on the Death Star trying to find Rey." I shrugged, not having the time to reply with a snarky comment. 

" Be careful, alright?" He said. 

" Don't worry, Dameron. I'll make sure your boyfriend comes back without a single scratch on him." I smirked, staring at Finn before following Jannah to the path that led to the bottom of the cliff. 

" Are you sure you know how to use a sea skiff?" Jannah questioned as we reached the shore where the waves were crashing dangerously. " With a tide like this, it will be dangerous."

" I haven't got a clue. I've never used one." I took in a deep breath. " But let's do it. The force will guide my every move, I trust it."

Jannah nodded and helped me up a grey colored sea skiff. " I'd love to say it's easy, but with waves this high, it wont be." She sighed. " This is what you'll use to maneuver it towards the Death Star." Jannah pointed at different parts of the sea skiff to help me. " If you get there first, you'll see there's a large portion of the debris that makes a makeshift dock, just secure the sea skiff and everything should be just fine."

" Thank you, Jannah. I'll keep that in mind." I nodded.

 I secured myself properly inside of it and turned on the temporary land engine, making it soar towards the roaring waves. " Alright, y/n. Calm down." I sighed through gritted teeth. " It's just like flying... on water. Like escaping a hoard of TIE fighters. I've done that before. Sailing mustn't be that hard."

The sea skiff's speed made it rise above a huge wave, and I had to admit I thought I would topple over and be crushed by the water, thankfully it didn't. I wanted to look back to make sure Finn and Jannah had made it successfully like I had, but I couldn't, as waves kept coming one after the other. 

" Now I understand why Jannah wanted to wait until tomorrow." I huffed as the sea skiff drifted through the tides in direction to the Death Star. " At least the waves are getting less strong as I go further away from shore." 

The ruins of the superweapon were nearing, and I maneuvered the sea skiff slowly towards it, looking for what Jannah had indicated. Okay... What here looks like a makeshift dock? I pondered.

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