Chapter 5, Mesoriaam's hidden stranger

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/Third person POV/

Rey was doubtful to reveal their true identity to the five people who had rescued them from the quick sand, but they seemed to honestly need their help. "Yes. Are you the ones that sent a distress call?" She asked. The tall man with the green eyes nodded and pointed at the five rusty speeders, "hop on, we will take you to our village." Poe and the pilots did not hesitate to sit behind the four other rescuers in their old speeders, and Rey sat behind the man that appeared to be the leader of the small squad.

"Who are you?" Rey repeated, as the speeders accelerated towards the horizon. "My name is Cyern Terrik, from a small village called Mesoriaam. My sister was the one who sent the distress signal." The green eyed man replied.  "You sent the signal to the First Order as well." Rey mentioned. The green eyed man remained quiet, making Rey suspicious. "Yes, we are aware. We do not have the technology to send it in one direction precisely, we didn't think the First Order would reply to the call!" He said. 

Rey remained quiet. She thought of a plan. If the First Order was there, if Kylo Ren, was there, it meant that distress call that Cyern's sister had sent was important, and in the five speeders, Poe, the pilots, and herself were speeding right into the lion's den. She knew it was risky, it was very dangerous to interfere with the First Order, especially the commander, who was familiar with the dark side of the force.  Rey remembered the promise she had made to General Leia before parting: 'If the call has to do with the odness in the force, I will find out', and Rey was meaning to keep that promise. 

Cyern yelled something to the woman who was driving the speeder Poe was in, and she passed the message to the other speeder drivers. "The ships from the First Order must be already reaching Mesoriaam, we will take a shortcut that leads to somewhere you can hide and infiltrate the village." Cyern told Rey, who nodded. "Please, try to ease on the violence and destruction. We have children in that village." He added. "Why are you helping us?" Rey asked Cyern. "There are people in the galaxy who are with the Resistance, but are too scared to act. Us, the Mesoriaams, are not frightened to go against the First Order." Those words filled Rey with hope. There was people wanting to help, the Resistance was not alone. 

"The First Order does not know what they are looking for. We made sure to hide her." Cyern said. "Pardon, did you say 'Her'?" Rey was startled. The distress signal was sent because of a person? Rey felt a weird feeling in her stomach, as if something was not right. The atmosphere of the situation seemed to have changed. Something in the way things connected had changed. "The force..." Rey whispered to herself. The speederes came to an halt, a couple meters in front of them was a small beige village that camouflaged with the background of Tatooine.  Poe sneaked towards Rey and patted her on the shoulder. "Rey, we have company." He whispered, pointing towards the TIE fighters and Kylo Ren's TIE silencer, that had landed. "What could they possibly want?" The pilot that had the hologram map asked. "Not what, who." The woman that drove Poe said. "I'm Syrin Terrik, I sent the distress call." She said.

"Syrin, why send this call? Your brother told me in was because of a person in your village?" Rey asked the woman, who took her helmet off. "Yes, she was a foreignor. We found her a couple weeks ago, stranded in the dessert. The poor girl was knocked out, we believe by Tusken raiders." She said, while sneaking through dried rocks. "follow me." Syrin whispered. The Resistance members followed close behind, Rey had her hand on her lightsaber while the other pilots and Poe on their blasters. "You see, when we found her, she had recieved a heavy hit at the head, the wound looked bad. The poor girl couldn't remember anything. She could barely speak when we found her." Syrin continued, stopping, as two stormtroopers walked near by. 

"We think she is suffering from amnesia because of the hit. She is slowly remembering things, like her name." Syrin added and came to an halt behind big, sandy rocks. "Ok, listen carefully. If the First Order is looking for her, it could take some time for them to find where we hid her." Poe breathed heavily and closed his eyes, "Just tell us where she is, we will go and leave, trying to cause no harm." He said, whispering, "right, Rey?."  But Rey did not respond. She was standing up and her eyes were closed tightly. "Rey? Are you ok? Rey!" Poe said, pulling Rey under the cover of the rocks. "No, no, no, no!" Rey almsot yelled. 

"What happened?! What is it?" Cyern asked. "The force. Something isn't right. It is coming from the village. I have to go!" Rey said, standing up and running  towards Mesoriaam, her lightsaber blured by the heat. "Rey! Get back!" Poe yelled, standing up, but Syrin held him back. "Your friend, she is crazy! Running into the First Order like that!" She said. 

Rey ran towards the TIE fighters pushing away incoming stormtroopers with the help of the force. She had to get to Kylo's TIE silencer, towards the strange pull in the force.  When she got there, she could see Kylo Ren, who was holding a knocked out girl in his arms. Rey's head began to hurt, and she fell to her knees. Kylo Ren noticed her presence, he seemed to have the same mental pain as Rey, he boarded the girl in the back of his TIE silencer and went inside himself. The First Order ships took off fast, Rey had no time to act. They had taken her. They had taken the foreignor from Mesoriaam, they had taken the mission Rey had promised General Leia would succeed, Kylo Ren had taken the source of the strangeness in the force. 

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