Chapter 19, jealousies and fright

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/ First person Protagonist POV /

Even though I lay in a windowless room, in outer space, I knew morning was soon to come. I hadn't gotten the sleep Kylo Ren had ordered me to, I couldn't even if I forced my eyes shut. My mind was wide awake, replaying the frightening sight of Kylo Ren, angry and unruly. And the pain that radiated around my body, causing wounds that were deeper than physical. I thought of Rey, and how everyone at the Resistance had suffered because of me. How the First Order attack was to take me back, even if I had escaped with the Resistance about a month ago. 

I did not wait another second to get up, even though it was too early, and I knew it. I remembered Kylo's threat from yesterday: Do not try not to show up to training. And I wondered what would happen if I didn't. I completed my early morning routine, almost opening the wound in my arm. If the wound hurts while I try to change clothes, my whole arm will rip apart if I train with Kylo Ren and his... ruthless methods. I lamented in a hushed tone. I looked at the holographic table clock, it was 5:27 in the morning, and I didn't want to spend the next hour and a half in my room.

I stood up and opened the door of my living quarters slightly, peaking to see if OC- 7234, or any other stormtrooper was at my door. She was. I took deep breaths and opened the door completely, taking confident steps out. " Hey! Ma'am, you can not leave your living quarters! Commander Ren instruc-" I locked eyes with her helmet, but I knew she was holding the eye contact as well, I moved my hand slightly and firmly said, " You will let me out of my living quarters, commander Ren has not told you to prevent me from going out. I have every authority to wonder around The Finalizer." The stormtrooper remained quiet. I felt guilty to have manipulated OC- 7234 with the force, it could get her into trouble, but I had to get out of the trapped atmosphere. 

I sneaked around The Finalizer, not really knowing where to go, and whenever stormtrooper patrols walked by, I remained firm and walked past them as if it was normal for me to do so, they only continued their path. After quite some time, I had gotten lost, I thought I returned the same way I had came, which wasn't the case. I could hear some faint sound, which I decided to follow. It guided me down a long corridor, and into a large room with glass on the far edge , where I could see millions of stars. There was a lifted corridor and plenty of machines on the bottom floor. I wanted to go inside, but then I looked towards the opposite side of where I stood, and I could make out the top of Kylo's mask and his long black cloak. I didn't hesitate and ran down the hall, hoping he hand't felt my presence. 

I had jogged for as far as my injured body could hold, when I stumbled upon the same red hair man I had seen yesterday: General Hux. " G- general Hux. " I blubbered, with a nervous smile on my face, trying to act as normal as I could.  He stared at me cautiously, lifting one of his eyebrows. " The apprentice. " He ended up by saying in yet another emotionless tone. " What are you doing in this area of The Finalizer at this early time?" He asked. And I knew he was aware I shouldn't be out of my living quarters. I stared at his nicely polished boots,  and whispered, " well, General. I- am kind of..." "Lost?" We said in unison. I nodded as I looked back towards him, unlike Kylo, Hux's eyes were ice cold, and didn't show an ocean of emotions.  " Follow me, y/n, the apprentice. I can show you where the corridor you must follow is, I'm heading there anyway." He said, while pushing on my back, as if I couldn't walk by myself. I was a little aghast: I had never expected that offer coming from anyone, but especially not from Hux. 

I walked next to him as he strode the halls confidently and with a feeling of overpowerment. We didn't talk, and I didn't want to anyways. General Hux seemed so heartless, and I didn't want another soulless talk with anyone. I was almost at the corridor I could reckognize when I smelled the scent that I was too familiar with. " Y/N!" He exclaimed hollered from the end of the hall me and Hux were walking down. I turned around nervously, and scared. Hux turned as well, but his expression was, if anything: annoyed and disgusted to see Kylo. 

In the blink of an eye, Kylo was in front of us, and I could sense the anger radiating through his body as he grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Hux and beside him. " What are you doing outside your living quarters, y/n? And with... him." He asked me, motioning his head towards General Hux. " Ky- Master Ren." I said, cutting myself short. It was weird to have to call him Master Ren, to have to address to him in a name of superiority and control over me. " I am sorry Master Ren. General Hux was just showing me the way back to my living quarters. It- it won't happen again." I said, trying not to let the fear show as I spoke. 

Kylo ignored me and turned to Hux. " And you. Do not talk to my apprentice, General Hux. She- I will not tolerate any one interfearing with her training. Do I make myself clear? " He said in a threatening tone. Hux remained quiet, and I could see him hold his urge to roll his eyes at Kylo, which I new wasn't a good idea. " Yes... commander." He finally said, with a pause before addressing Kylo with status. 

Kylo grabbed a hold of my arm and stormed off into the corridor, I was trying to loosen his grip on my wrist, but I couldn't. He walked fastly and my feet tripped against each other. Kylo was pulling me into the training lounge, even though it was too early for training, but I wouldn't say anything to an angry Kylo. The doors opened automatically and he pushed me into the large room, I fell and looked at him take out his lightsaber and destroy a shelf that was beside him. I was scared. I was frightened of him. 

The force in redemption | Kylo Ren x reader | ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora