Chapter 77, Someone might be listening

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/ First Person Protagonist POV / 

Leone smiled a little bit, as if she was happy I'd asked, and knelt beside the bed, eyeing the room. " Why do you keep looking around?" I asker her. " It's not like there's anyone here, right?" The nurse's expression seemed to harden as she stared at me right in the eye, " the walls may be thick, y/n, but they're always listening and watching." She whispered. " They? Who's they?" I muttered back. Leone stood up and checked the medical aid kit on the little table besides her, " the higher ranks. You know? The generals, and head commander Kylo Ren. They know everything that goes on in this ship." She said as she pretended to be arranging the medicines. 

My blood froze. If the highest ranking officials of the Final Order knew everything that went on in The Finalizer as Leone had just told me, one of them could've figured out about me and Kylo. Don't worry on such fooleries, y/n! I told myself as I zoned out of my thoughts. Kylo wouldn't let something like that happen, he's on top of the food chain here! He has the power over everything that happens in The Finalizer, don't worry about it too much. I reassured myself. 

" Leone, just tell me. It's better you say it no-" I started saying, right when two medical droids entered the room silently. Leone's eyes widened as she looked at the droids approach the hospital bed, and she stepped aside as they checked my breathing and took a sample of my blood. I remained silent, even though I wanted to wince in pain when I saw the syringe enter my skin. Gosh, I hate needles, I told myself as I closed my eyes tightly shut, and only opened them once the droid had placed the syringe in a white medical box.

Both of us remained quiet, and even after the droids left, we waited for a couple minutes before Leone went back to pretending to rearrange the medication. " I told you ma'am. Ears everywhere." She muttered. " Oh come on, Leone! They wouldn't have sent medical droids to eavesdrop on us!" I told her as I sat up and leaned against my pillow.  " We can never be so sure about that." Leone whispered. " Leone, not to sound rude," I told her. " But why did they send you? I mean, instead of a droid?" I asked. She looked at me with a puzzled expression and placed her hand on her hip. " To be honest, y/n, I've got no idea. But I finally get to talk to the one a lot of staff have been rumoring about." Leone replied, sounding excited. 

" Tell me then, what is it the staff talks about me?" I asked, intrigued. "  And how do they even know me?" Leone looked at me as if I'd just said a dumb thing. " How do we not know who you are? Miss Y/n, most, or even all of us very low rankers in The Finalizer know about you! You're a brave young woman!" She whispered, a little loudly. 

" I am?" I asked, startled.

Leone nodded her head, and a wide smile spread across her face. " Of course! You've been the talk of the ship for months! It's not every day someone escapes the Final Order for so long, and more than once!" She exclaimed as she sat back down on the stool next to the hospital bed. 

So, my first assumptions were correct, after all. I told myself as I sighted in relief. Leone appeared to not be hiding anything else about the rumors, but I couldn't let my guard down.

" Miss y/n, you don't know the inspiration you are to all of us who aren't here willingly, like me!" Leone said so joyful, it began making me uncomfortable. " You see, I was taken from my home planet Naboo to serve the Final Order. I never really wanted this life, it scared me, still does actually... But to know someone is brave enough to oppose and escape all this, it's, refreshing to hear! It gives me hope!" 

I looked at her in astonishment. And she's the one that kept telling me to worry about the high ranking officers that could hear everything through the walls... babbling about hope, like a resistance member, I mentally addressed myself. " How you stood up against the cruel and evil head commander Kylo Ren, it's impre-" Leone began saying again, but something in me snapped. To hear someone talk about Kylo in such vile manner angered me so much. I knew there had been a time when I thought the same wrongful and exaggerated things about him, but that was before I even knew Kylo for who he really was, and not by who the Final Order made him appear to be.

" You should watch your words, Leone." I warned her in a cold tone. " You said it yourself, someone might be listening. Plus, I wouldn't recommend talking about your superiors like that, remember where you and your loyalties stand." The smile on Leone's face disappeared as she dusted off her doctor attire. " You're right, sorry miss y/n." She said, looking a little sad. Oh my, I sounded just like Hux. I lamented as I exhaled deeply.

But those words had been almost the exact Hux had used when I had sneaked off through The Finalizer, right before the first time me and Kylo had ever... kissed. This is bad. Horrible, terrible. I really don't want to sound like that grumpy man. I tried joking mentally, but it didn't really humor me. 

" Miss, y/n?" Leone said, taking me out of my thoughts. " Did you hear what I said?"

" No, sorry. What was it?" 

" I asked if you could please not tell anyone, especially no officer or the head commander himself about what I said. It... was wrong, I do not know what came over me and-" Leone started saying, like she was about to sob. " Do not worry. You may have said something wrong, but I am no snitch. Plus, it was unsignificant." I interrupted her, and she sighted in relief. 

" Thank you so much, miss." She said as she closed the medical aid kit. " I should leave you to rest. I was instructed to watch over any of your needs until now." She said, "do not hesitate to press on the alarm if you need anything." She added as she walked towards the door of the room.

I didn't reply to Leone's words. My mind was buzzing on one thing only. That everywhere in the galaxy, even within the lowest members of the Final Order, there was hope, and I wasn't sure if I was happy or worried about it. After all, I had been called the spark of the rebellion, their hope against the Final Order. 


OOOOOOOH. People spilling tea about you, now?

I don't know what to think about Leone. She seems nice, but, suspicious maybe? Or not loyal enough to the Final Order? GuEsS yOu WiLl HaVe To WaIt To FiNd OuT...

Hope you liked the chapter! Can't wait to publish more!!! ( Almost at 80?! You guys have motivated me so much to keep writing more!!!! Thank you!)

Have a lovely day or night! Best wishes from me!

- Camille

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