Chapter 67, The Dathomirian is no more

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/ First Person Protagonist POV / 

I was laying down on a wall bunk bed when I woke up, disoriented and in pain. I tried sitting up, but I would probably hit my head against the wall, plus, my limbs were numb and I could barely move. "What in the world happened?" I muttered to myself as I shut my eyes tightly and opened them seconds later, adjusting them to the lighting of the room. And where am I? I pondered as I slowly looked around the room. 

The walls were a shiny metallic white that reflected the lights from the celling, giving the impression that the room was glowing a bright white color. It was all neatly organized: there was only a couple desks and a table with wheels beside the small wall bed I was laying in. There were a couple medications and other medical gadgets I didn't recognize. " C'mon, y/n. You must remember what happened in the past... let's say, 12 hours?" I told myself quietly as I massaged my forehead with the palm of my left hand. " I just hope it hasn't been more than twelve hours I've been unconscious." I joked to myself as I plopped my head onto my pillow.

I concentrated in my memories, and remembered Kijimi. How Givu Djarggi had figured out who I really was, and had known something else he would take to the grave without anyone else knowing. When Givu had stabbed me with the sharp dagger, and how Mando had showed up and, I believe he had rescued me? Not to mention how Rey had stared down at the scene, as if she knew I had been the one to kill Djarggi.

I killed him. I told myself in disbelief once more. I can't believe I killed someone.

Suddenly, the doors of the room swooshed open to the sides and Mando walked in, with his usual bounty hunter attire. Well, guess I'm on Mando's ship.  I confirmed mentally as I tried sitting up, wincing at the pain in my abdomen. But how did I even get here? Did Mando carry me?! Dammit! I can't remember anything! " Don't try making any movement right now, y/n." Mando said as he approached the wall bed. " It's best you don't move a lot. You wouldn't like ripping the stitches on your lower midsection, the medical droid took a while to patch you up."

I listened to him and leaned back down on the small bed, resting on my elbows. " Where am I, Man-." I interrupted myself. I had almost forgotten I wasn't the Crimson Hunter, and in this persona, I didn't know Mando. I wasn't supposed to be aware of his nickname he had told my alter ego. " On a ship." He said briefly. Yeah, no kidding. I mentally said as I restrained myself from rolling my eyes. " We are on our way to the Final Order battle star destroyer." 

" Oh." I replied.

Mando kneeled beside the wall bed, and I could tell he was locking eyes. " Only 'oh'?" He mentioned, and I gulped. It was true, that for a bounty, I should've sounded more stressed. " Yes... I- don't really have the strength to complain. Plus, it's useless. I'm harmed and on a ship." I replied nervously, trying to sound defeated and miserable. " You had a pretty bad wound. How are you feeling?" Mando asked, apparently he had decided it was time to change subject of conversation, and I couldn't agree more. 

" Well, I'm feeling terrific! Quite jolly, actually! I've rarely felt this good. You see, it feels amazing to be stabbed by a sharp dagger and have no recollection whatsoever of what has happened since then." I answered sarcastically. I knew Mando had rolled his eyes, and he pulled himself a chair and sat on it, still keeping the eye contact through his helmet. " Hilarious." He said, sounding a bit bothered but with a bit of humor in his tone as well. 

" How long have I been out?" I questioned him. " Well, let's see. About a two or three days., maybe? I don't really remember." Mando replied. My eyes widened exponentially. Three days?! How long does it take this ship to travel towards The Finalizer?! I thought worriedly. " Three days..." I repeated silently as I leaned back down against my pillow. Mando stood up and laughed a little bit in mockery. " I'm joking. You've blacked out for about seven hours." He said as he paced around the room. I scowled him and scoffed. " Are you serious?! Why. Just- why." I told him in an annoyed tone. 

" Priceless. You're expression was truly priceless." Mando commented as he sat back down on the chair. 

I rolled my eyes at him and looked towards the corner of the stool where all the medical equipment was. " Not. Funny." I huffed as I furrowed my eyebrows at Mando. " Can I... ask you something?.." I said nervously. Even though I couldn't see Mando's face, I knew its expression had hardened and became more serious. " Go ahead." He replied, a little doubtful. 

I tugged onto the thin covers of the medical wall bed and sighted, not being able to look at his helmet. " Did Givu Djarggi... tell you anything about me?" I asked him. I had rarely been so nervous to ask a question, but this was nerve racking. The question was valuable, it would determine if someone else knew about my secret identity as the Crimson Hunter.... and about me and Kylo. 

Mando remained silent for what felt as countless minutes. " ...No." He finally said. 

I found it hard to believe what he answered was true, but I had no other choice other than to believe him and hope he was being honest. " Ok." I replied briefly as I stared at the top of the wall bed. " Could you tell me what happened in Kijimi?" I asked as well, needing- wanting answers. Mando stood up and stared out of a little round window on the wall. " After you killed Givu Djarggi." He started saying. And my face made an expression of wincing in pain as he said his name. The name of the person I had taken the life of. 

" A couple star destroyers bombed the city. It doesn't exist no more." He said. " What?" I repeated, even though I had heard him clearly. " A source told me the Final Order was looking for something, or someone. Apart from you, of course." Mando said as he stood up and prepared to leave. 

Rey, Finn, and Poe. I told myself. They must've been looking for them. " Rest up, bounty. I don't want the Supreme Leader to see you in this state of a wounded mess." Mando said as he headed for the door. " Damn. Thanks for saying I look like a mess. Totally appreciate that." I replied in a mocking tone, but this time, Mando didn't react in humor. 

He left me once again alone in the bright white room, and I sighted. It was true. I didn't know if I looked like a mess, but I certainly did feel like one. Go to sleep y/n. The sooner you fall asleep, the faster you will feel time passing. I told myself as I rested my eyes shut. The faster I'll see Kylo.


For all of you who have seen TROS ( The Rise of Skywalker), you know exactly why the trio was in Kijimi, right?

For those who haven't seen the movie yet, I won't spoil anything (yet). Guess you'll just have to go watch the movie now to fully understand what went on :D


Hope you enjoyed this special Mando friendship moment with the protagonist! I personally love their friendship, so I'll definitely be taking into mind about putting more Mando scenes or/and full chapters in the future!!!!

I'm really exited to see Kylo again!!!!!

I wish the best to all of you! You're all so amazing!

- Camille

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