Chapter 124, The camp

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/ First Person Protagonist POV /

There it was. The camp, the sanctuary, just as my memories had pictured it, except it was now smaller. The many round stone huts with the small windows, the large fire pit in the center, where celebrations would be held, and the flag pole that held the emblem of our clan, it was all how I had left it, as if it hadn't been destroyed before.

Except something about it wasn't the same. Or was it the nostalgia I felt from being back here? I couldn't tell. " Din..." I was able to mutter. " This... this is it."

He instantly placed a hand on my shoulder as a way to reassure me, and even if his gloved hand was cold, it gave me a warm feeling, to know I wasn't alone. To know I had a friend in this galaxy of fouls. 

" Is it? So you're really back home, huh?" He cooed. 

I nodded. " I suppose I am, but it doesn't feel like it though. It feels so strange... so unfamiliar." I visibly gulped. I was beginning to feel really nervous now. What if everyone from before was dead now? If Pha Stett was the only one alive, and now strangers inhabited the familiar huts?

" Y/n, I hate to break this emotional moment, but the snow is at the height of your knees. We should get going before your body temperature drops more." Din cleared his throat, taking me out of my thoughts. 

I looked around, noticing we weren't protected by the trees from the heavy snowfall anymore, and the big snowflakes kept on falling constantly. I took in a deep breath to keep salty tears from falling, knowing they would freeze on my cheeks. 

" Now that you mention it, I'm freezing." I chuckled. 

Pushing our way through the dense coat of snow wasn't pleasant, it slowed us down a little bit, but seeing the camp right in front of me kept me going. I was coming back home. With time, the memories that were still blurred out began to clear themselves slowly, I could feel the reminiscences filling the once emptiness of my mind.

Then entrance to the camp was just as I'd slowly started remembering it. The two identical flag poles on each side of a stone pathway indicated it was a sub- branch of a clan. 

" Of course, Death Watch!" I face palmed. 

Din looked at me a little confused, " what was that?"

" Din. I remember why I know Death Watch from somewhere!" I exclaimed, almost jumping in place. " Mhm. Good for you." He answered unamused. 

" Geez. Thanks for being supportive, you twat." I rolled my eyes. " When you told me Death Watch took you in, I knew the name from somewhere. How could I be so stupid?.. Don't answer that." I huffed. 

" What are you saying?" Din asked. " Oh come on, you can't say you haven't noticed. The flag, look at it." I pointed towards it. The white flags with their red symbol that resembled three claw marks. " You can't tell me you don't recognize the symbol, Din."

" Yes I do. It's the Death Watch logo. What's your point?" He crossed his arms. 

My mouth slightly parted in awe. " What's my point? Wait- you knew?" I shrieked. Din laughed. " Well of course I knew this was a sub clan of the Death Watch. Or else how do you think I got asylum here so many times?"

" And you didn't even think about, I don't know, telling me?!" I scowled. 

" Not really. You had to figure it out on your own. Actually, it took you longer than I thought it would."

" You're such a jerk sometimes, Din." I rolled my eyes. " But this isn't the time or place to be angry at you. But don't think I'm letting the subject go, we're going to have a talk about this later." I warned, and Din just laughed. 

I hadn't noticed the little crowd gathering at the entrance of the camp until after my conversation with Din. There were whispers filling the air around us, and it made me feel awfully nervous. Everyone in front of us looked around the same age, and barely any of them seemed familiar.

Most of the people around were complete strangers to me. I felt like a stranger too. My eyes skimmed the crowd, searching for the familiar face of Pha Stett, which seemed to be the only one I remembered vividly. But I couldn't see her.

Out of awkwardness, I took a step back behind Din, so his figure could be seen more than mine, but I held my head high and didn't look away from the various stares coming our way.

" Din Djarin." Came a voice from inside of the crowd. The people surrounding the man who had spoken stepped to the side and let him advance towards us. He looked around the same age as everyone else. The young man had a wooden staff with intricate designs on it, and it was safe to assume he had more authority over the camp. 

" Aro Kraigh." Din replied in the same tone, like the two men were greeting each other emotionlessly. 

The two of them exchanged a few words, which I didn't pay attention to, my mind was buzzing uncontrollably. The name Aro Kraigh was somewhere in my memories, it echoed inside my head, like it was trying to tell me who it was and how I knew him. 

His face had seemed oddly familiar as well. Dark grey orbs with an auburn braided man bun, as well as with a robust stubble. I knew I'd seen him before, or even known him. How much could someone's appearance change in a little over a year? I must remember something more detailed, I sighed.

" Who do you bring to our hidden lair, Djarin? Don't you know we've had enough troubles in the past with strangers?" The man identified as Aro spat hatefully. 

" She is no stranger." Din defended, and slightly pushed me in front of him, I was now only standing a couple yards away from Aro. " I've brought her home. Or can't you recognize your own people?"

The man's eyes widened. " Y/n..." He mumbled, like he couldn't believe I was standing there. He stepped towards me, cupping my cheek with his gloved hand, observing my face. It was awkward. I didn't know who Aro was, but I was certain the old me did. 

" I- I'm sorry. I don't know who you are... I've had more trouble remembering people than anything else..." I whispered.

Aro's grey eyes seemed to darken with a little bit of pain, but his face didn't even flinch. " So, you don't remember your comrades, then?" He asked, motioning towards the crowd of same aged people. 

I shook my head slightly. " Comrades? Are you..." I started, but I couldn't bring myself to finish my sentence. Apprentices... No wonder they're all about the same age... I thought. The crowd in front of me was none other than my fellow mates. 

The camp that was built by ex member of Death Watch Pha Stett, for force sensitive children with potential to live more than a commoner's life. This was the remains of it. Only few were still here. 

" Aro... You sound so familiar. But there is one person I have remembered the clearest." I said, looking towards the crowd as well. I cleared my throat and walked back to Din, who stood silently behind me. " Is there anyone else apart from them in the camp?"

He shook his head. " The time's I've been here, only the people you see now have ever lived in the camp. Why?" Din answered in a hushed tone. I forced a side smile. " No reason." I lied, and turned back to look at Aro. 

" I came here searching for master Pha Stett." I exclaimed.

A loud thudding noise came from behind the crowd of apprentices, and they scattered to the side. An aging woman with long dark brown, yet greying hair, who had an even bigger wooden staff than Aro walked next to him. 

My breath was cut short. I had lost function over my limbs, I was paralyzed by the sight in front of me. 

" I had a feeling you'd come back soon, y/n." Said the raspy yet firm voice of my mentor.

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