Chapter 79, Hux's timing

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/ First Person Protagonist POV / 

I dropped the metal ball on the floor, and winced as it made a loud noise, too loud for the headache that came running back to me thanks to Hux's interruption. What is he doing here? What have I done now?  I rolled my eyes mentally as I pulled the thin covers up to my neck, even if I was fully dressed. " Oh?" I said, trying to sound surprised but delighted. " Is it visit I see? What do I own the pleasure of your... charming presence stopping by to see me, General Armitage Hux?" I asked in a harsh tone, filled with mockery. Even if Hux was meters away form me, standing at the door, I could see he had rolled his eyes at my comment.

Hux didn't even bother replying to my remark, even if I hated to admit it, he was way too smart to start an argument by replying to my sarcastic welcoming. He stepped forward, with his back straight and his knee joints barely folding as he walked. How does he do that? Like, how is it genetically possible to walk like that with such ease? I commented to myself in a joke. Before I knew it, the ginger haired general was at the foot of the hospital bed, staring down at me with disgust, typical Hux stare. 

" Yes? Can I help you?" I asked calmly, almost trying to sound dumb, just to annoy him. It had been so long since I had properly bothered someone, except for Mando, and annoying people brought me great inner laughter. Cruel, but so worth it. I told myself as I looked at Hux, who was obviously trying to hold back his annoyance, not wanting me to see that I had won this word battle between the two of us.

" Get dressed and ready. The Head Commander wants to see you." He ordered in a brief tone. I wanted to mess with his head more, and see how much I had to annoy Hux until his limit was trespassed, but when he had mentioned Kylo's status, I became serious again, and I would listen to what he had ordered. 

Hux turned around, sliding his boots on the floor and headed out of the room the same way he had walked in. A couple minutes later, a different type of medical droid had entered the room, this one looked more like an assistance robot, but still with some of the familiar traits of the two medical droids that had stitched my wound.

 " Hello?" I said, not really knowing what to do.

The droid turned to look at me, as if it didn't know I was in the room and walked robotically towards me, it was not until it was close enough to the hospital bed that I saw it had clothing in his hand. The usual black attire, of course, I sighted as I took the clothes from the droid without letting it speak. I stood up and walked towards a door I had assumed was the bathroom. 

Thankfully, there was a shower, and I knew Hux would probably be pissed off if I took the time to bathe, but I smelled a little bit after spending a while in the holding cell and the hospital bed, and I was definitely not going to show up to the command room in front of Kylo Ren smelling bad. Plus, annoying Hux is another great reason of why I should take a shower! I told myself devilishly as I stripped from the medical gown and stepped into the warm fall of water.

As I stepped out of the shower, I started to notice how the water had washed off not only a layer of dirt on my body, but also the effects of the heavy dosage of medicine and anesthetics I had been given. " I feel quite dumb right now." I said to myself in the mirror as I pictured how ridiculous I looked when I was trying to annoy Hux.  Curse you medicine side effects, I grumbled to myself as I started putting on the clothes the droid had given me.

Surprisingly, the clothes were very comfortable: black sweatpants that were tight at the ankle and the hip, and a loose turtleneck shirt. How could I even forget the traditional First and Final Order's boots? I told myself sarcastically as I dried my humid hair with the towel and tied it to the back of my head. 

As I opened the door, Hux's stall figure was there. I stumbled back a couple steps and almost let a small yelp escape my mouth, but that would've been embarrassing. " How long were you standing there?.." I asked, a little uncomfortable to think Hux could've waited at the door of the bathroom for the duration of my shower. He looked down at me and raised one of his eyebrows, turning around and walking to the door of the hospital room, completely ignoring my question. 

" Where are we going?" I asked in a muttered tone, even if I had a bright idea to where we were heading. I rolled my eyes as I hurried behind him like a kid. " You ask a lot of questions for the position you stand in." Hux finally replied, not turning around to address to me. " Sorry." I mumbled, looking away, even if in the first place, Hux wasn't even acknowledging my existence. 

" What happened to the little annoying childish self of yours?" He asked in a sarcastic tone as he took a sharp turn to a corridor on the left. " I- I was under the after effects of anesthesia?" I replied nervously as I thought of how foolish my actions had been. " Of course. Practicing your little magic tricks could've only happened while being drugged."

I looked at Hux with furrowed eyebrows, and shot a grimace at him behind his back. Gosh, he's so annoying. I reminded myself as I sighted heavily. " Not a magic trick, General Hux, it's-" I had begun saying, when Hux suddenly stopped and I almost ran into his back. " I do not care what it is. You're not in any position to speak to me, or anyone, you disgusting little traitor." Hux spat with hatred as he proceeded to walk again.

I sighted and walked behind him with my head held low. No matter how much it seemed like it, deep down, I knew I had never wanted to become a sort of traitor to the Final Order, but I didn't want to stay either. I had never said my loyalty was with the Final Order, being the First Order at the time, but I had chosen Kylo, I had picked his side, and he stood with the Order. Hell, he was the Final Order, so that meant I was a part of it too.

I closed my fists to calm myself down as Hux stepped into a corridor that led directly to the command room, and even if this was all part of Kylo's plan, hopefully, I couldn't help but feel so nervous, and almost... scared? Why though? I pondered. Kylo has something planned, he always does. I told myself as Hux hurried his pace and I had to jog a little to catch up with him.

I trust you, Kylo. I told myself as we headed closer, and I could hear the machinery of the command room slightly. You better have a hell of a good solution to this mess.

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