Chapter 125, Pha Stett

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/ First Person Protagonist POV /

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words would come out. My breath hitched in my throat, and my mind had stopped running in different directions trying to remember my old comrades. All of my thoughts were now focused on the short lady in front of me. Her long, aging hair didn't seem to be affected by the heavy snowfall, and her piercing black eyes were looking right through me.

" M- master." I stuttered. 

A part of me still couldn't believe she was really standing there in flesh and bone in front of me. Like Pha Stett was a ghost from the past, but it was her. Her strong presence in the force was something I couldn't ignore either, there was no doubt, I wasn't hallucinating. 

She walked until we were at arm reach of distance, on the other hand, I couldn't even move. My mind was still processing the fact the only person I remembered from my past, the closest thing I had to a parental figure was still alive, even after the destruction of the camp, which appeared to be built back. 

Pha Stett reached her hand out, so it was just in front of my forehead, and closed her eyes. I closed mine too and slightly bowed as a sign of respect, like she had taught me to do when I was just a young kid. 

" Y/n. You're home now." She smiled and opened her arms wide, inviting me into a hug. 

Tears flooded my eyes as I fell to my knees on the snowy ground. Pha Stett wrapped her arms around me as I wrapped mine around her waist and cried onto her clothes. It didn't matter if the tears would freeze, I didn't care if Din or anyone would see me like this, looking so vulnerable. I didn't know I had missed my mentor as much as I had, even if I didn't remember her all that well, Pha Stett was the only person that didn't feel like a stranger here.

I didn't know for how long we stood there, but snow was falling heavily onto my hair and down my back through the neck of the tunic. Pha Stett patted my back and released me from the hug. I held me head low until the tears disappeared before I stood up. 

" There, there. Stand up, young one." She instructed. 

I got my emotions together and did as she said, rising to be a couple inches taller than my mentor. " Sorry master." I mumbled.

" There... is a lot to talk about." She cleared her throat, almost sounding uncertain. I nodded and walked back towards Din while Pha Stett joined the rest of my comrades, standing next to Aro. 

" Din, will you be coming?" I asked him, wishing I could see the expression on his face so I wouldn't be so clueless about what he was thinking all the time. " I couldn't possibly, y/n. This is where you are reunited with your people, I have no place in that." He replied. 

" Please stay? I know they're my comrades, Din, but you're the only one that's not a stranger to me. You're a real friend, and I think I need one right now." I forced a side smile. 

Din was silent for a moment. " Very well. I'll stay. I'll need to get some things from the Razor Crest though. You go catch up in the meantime." I knew he was smiling back.

With one final nod of the head, I dusted the snow off the shoulders of my tunic and walked towards the crowd of apprentices and Pha Stett, standing in front of Aro and my mentor. 

" You're right master. There is a lot to talk about." I replied to her words from earlier. 

The crowd and I walked into the camp, but only me, Aro, and Pha Stett walked together, the rest of the apprentices had returned to their tasks, though their glances kept coming this way. The walk was silent, Pha Stett walked a little more in front of me and Aro, who walked by my side. 

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