Chapter 137, Sith way finder

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/ First Person Protagonist POV /

Rieekan seemed to hesitate once more. He knew I would be of help, but he didn't trust me, and that was getting in the way of me being of possible aid to the resistance. 

" Come on, general." I sighed. " You cannot take a decision on this based on what your personal loath of me. With all due respect sir: use logic. I can be of help. I want to help in any way I can."

He huffed in defeat. " Alright. You can come. But any suspicious act and you're off to the containment cells."

" Yes sir." I stood up and saluted like a solider. " You don't have to worry about me, I will not do anything wrong."

Rieekan rushed out of the building with me hot on his heels. I had been correct: we weren't too far from the main camp, it had been the foliage getting in the way. Whispers and more judging stares were shot my way, especially now that I was freely moving around the resistance base without anyone watching out for me. 

General Rieekan entered the same building Rey had brought me to at first, where now, Leia and the Jedi in training weren't the only ones present. Finn and Poe were present as well. " Sorry for taking some time, general Leia." Rieekan apologized. " As you can see, I had a sudden change of plans."

I saluted with a slight wave, only to be met by the shocked faces of Finn and Poe. The latter seemed relieved to see me, while the ex stormtrooper looked at me with the same suspicion as Rieekan, as well as with happiness to know I was alive. Apparently Rey wasn't the only one to think I had died in Kijimi. I noted mentally. 

" Y/n... What are you doing here? How?" Poe mumbled, as if trying to see if I was just an illusion or if I really was present. 

" Hello, Dameron." I smiled at my friend. He jogged up to me and wrapped me in a bear hug, twirling around in circles with me in his arms. " I missed you, bud." I patted his shoulder. Poe had been one of the rare people I knew I could confide in with anything, and had taught me so many things about piloting. Without that knowledge, who knows the even more disastrous crashes I could've had?

" You're really here!" He cheered. 

" Of course I am. Don't tell me you thought I was dead like Rey did." I chuckled. " Nay. I knew you'd survived that. You're one hell of a fighter." He messed my hair with his hand. 

" Finally, I'm getting the recognition I deserve about my survival skills." I joked. " Hey Finn." I waved at him from a distance. It seemed the ex stormtrooper was still processing me being here, in Ajan Kloss. 

I was the one to make the first move and walk to him, wrapping my arms around his torso, which he immediately returned. " Don't go off scaring us all like that for months, you little idiot." He mumbled. " It's nice to see you too, Finny." I rolled my eyes playfully.

" General Leia, I hope you don't mind me joining in your discussion." I turned my head towards her after ending the hug with Finn. " It's just that I overheard general Rieekan mention a Sith way finder, and I couldn't help but offer my help in anything you might need. I have my fair bit of knowledge on them."

" That's excellent!" Rey smirked. " Y/n, we've found the location of one of the Sith relics, and we plan to use it."

" Rey. Did you think it was wise to reveal the whole plan to her like that?!" Rieekan sighed. " I told you already, general Rieekan, I'm not here to betray anyone anymore. I just want to help." I furrowed my eyebrows at the visible distrust he wasn't even trying to hide. 

" But a Sith way finder? Are you sure? I thought Kylo Ren was the only person who possessed one." I pondered. 

" We're not sure, but we hope. That's why me, Finn, and Rey went to Kijimi all those months ago." Poe explained. " And now that we have a promising location on where to look for it."

" Really? So, where is it?" I asked. 

" On the remains of the Death Star." Leia explained with a gloomy tone. " A super weapon used by the galactic Empire, which the rebel alliance destroyed many years ago during the battle of Endor. Thanks to much scouting, we believe a large portion of the debris fell onto a nearby moon of Endor called Kef Bir."

" And you think there's a Sith way finder there." I concluded. 

" It's the best change we've got, isn't it?" Rey shrugged. " General Rieekan and yourself said you'd be of help for information about it. What can you tell us?"

" I-" I took a deep breath. I was about to reveal one of Kylo's greatest and most twisted plans to the rebellion. It would be extremely risky for him and my comrades on Ajan Kloss, but I was determined to do whatever possible. " It's a type of map. I know they lead a path to the unknown regions of the galaxy. Specifically towards a Sith world."

" A Sith world..." Finn echoed in disbelief. 

" Yes. I also know it's home to the Sith Eternal. I am not entirely sure what that is, but I have reasons to believe it's some sort of cult." I explained. " How do you know all this?" Rieekan asked me.

" I- uh... was in a position in which I could hear many of these types of information." I kept my answer blunt. " But I know there's still things missing in all this. I wasn't told everything, I'm sure of it."

I furrowed my eyebrows. I knew for all the time I'd been with the Knights of Ren, that they hid things from me. I understood their motive: I was new, and they'd known each other for much longer time, while I was a stranger to them at first. 

" Is that all?" General Leia incited. 

I shook my head. " They're also building a fleet."

" A fleet?" Rey turned her head to the side in confusion. 

" Of planet killing star destroyers. The Sith have been creating a huge army. That, I know for a fact." I gulped. " If we don't act soon, then a new threat will rise: the Final Order. And that's an enemy I'm afraid the resistance and its allies will not stand a chance against."

" Then we must go." Rey exclaimed. " To Kef Bir. There's no time to waste. We have the location, the dagger, we have the information, what are we waiting for?"

" Let me go with you." I insisted. 

" Are you sure? You've only just arrived." Leia asked worriedly. 

I walked up to her and hugged her once more, leaning my head on her shoulder. " You know I have to do anything to bring him back." I whispered. 

" I know." She mumbled back. 

" I promise you I'll bring Ben back no matter the price I have to pay." I let a small tear fall down my eye. " And I never make a promise I can't keep."

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