Chapter 115, Elude

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/ First Person Protagonist POV /

I had no idea how long It had been since I rested my head on the cantina booth to whimper over my misery, but as I looked away from the silver booth table towards the crowded areas of the cantina, there was less people, and most of the ones who were still there, where... well... passed out on the floor with a drink still in hand. 

I sighed and sat up, pushing myself to stand up with my arms on the cold surface of the table. Man, I must look like such a mess right now. I huffed. But at least I know I don't appear half as bad as the drunkards here.

" Why was I even whimpering again?" I placed my palm on my forehead and winced slightly, the head ache hadn't gotten much better in the time I'd spent in the Poison Pit. " Oh. Right. The bald man." I rolled my eyes and began striding down the almost empty cantina, avoiding stepping on people.

" Why'd they call it a cantina anyways? This is clearly straight up a bar." I chuckled and reached the exit, successfully dodging the drunkards passed out cold, and the few that were so drunk that confused my foot with a mug of alcohol, really unpleasant, but I had dealt with worse. 

My mood was lightening with every step I took further from the Poison Pit, as if the building had been the reason for my temporary downfall. In some way, maybe it was. I smiled meekly at the thought. The Poison Pit reminds me so much of the era of the Crimson Hunter... maybe I had to leave those recollections behind all along. 

"I suppose I had to move on, and just leaving that place feels like a great start." I said to myself out loud. " Now I've got to get out of this place." I rolled my eyes, referring to Nal Hutta itself. 

Placing the black hood over my head to hide my face from the stares of strangers and the dust of Jiguuna, I strode confidently down the alleys and streets, getting further away from the Poison Pit. At every step, I felt my strength and character return to me, and it felt amazing to feel like myself once more.

" To think I was crying in the cantina booth like some sentimental drunkard! That's not like me at all... at least not anymore." I talked to myself out loud, but still in a very hushed tone so no one else would hear my rambling. " I can't believe I wasted hours in there, whimpering over being stuck in this hell hole instead of coming up with a plan on what my next move should be. But, I've got to say: the place did drain me mentally more than I already was..." I lamented, remembering how I actually had gotten here.

Kylo... Gosh, how I miss him. There aren't enough stars in the galaxy that compare to how much I yearn to be with him... I sighed for a long instant, remembering our last moment together, back in the Naboo hangar. 

" I didn't even get to shuffle his flawless hair." I tried to lighten my mood, so I wouldn't act the same as I did for the past hours in the cantina booth. 

A shiver ran down my spine, taking me out of my out loud thoughts. Until now had I noticed that night was falling on Jiguuna, and the sudden humid and intolerably hot climate had completely changed, and now, it was quite the chilly late evening. 

" At least it's better than melting in the scorch- like weather." I told myself, wrapping the cape included in the Knight of Ren clothes around my body, holding the edges with my hands to keep it closed around me. I found a nice alley, I mean... nice for Jiguuna, of course. It blocked the crisp wind, so I decided to remain there for the time being.

I sat down on the sidewalk, if you can even call it that, and rested my head on my hands. " It's been a long day. Yet, it seemed to pass so quickly." I muttered, looking at a pebble on the opposite side of the alley.

I stretched my hand out to reach it, even if it was meters away, and used the force to levitate the pebble towards me. I 'played' with it: making it fall to the ground, rise high, and swirl it around, which I oddly found entertaining, and it brought a small side smile to my face.

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