Chapter 135, Ajan Kloss

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/ First Person Protagonist POV / 

The lightsaber was awfully close to my face, I could feel the heat radiating from the blade. I looked up towards the person who held it against me, even if I knew who it was, and squinted my eyes as I looked up towards the sun in the process. 

" Rey?.." I mumbled, trying to push myself off the grass. 

I heard her lightsaber's blade retreat, and then I decided it was safe enough to stand up. In the process, I dusted off some dirt off my tunic. " Hi." I side smile, nervously intertwining my hands together. Rey's hazel eyes were piercing right into my soul, and I couldn't say I wasn't the slightest bit concerned about the lightsaber hilt in her trembling hand. I'd had my fair share of impulsive decisions with lightsabers, they never ended well. 

We stayed silently looking at each other for some time. I didn't know what to say, and it seemed Rey was trying to process my presence, or what to do. We never broke the eye contact, even if her eyes were fidgeting with confusion, or worry, maybe even hatred. I couldn't tell, even if I was usually good at reading emotions.

Next thing I knew, the palm of her hand connected with my cheek swiftly, and my face darted towards the side due to the impact, but my body didn't move. I opened my eyes seconds later, which had been closed due to me wincing from the stinging sensation of the slap. 

Rey's eyes were watery, and she lowered her hand for it to rest at her side, trembling. I put my palm on my burning cheek, stroking the reddened skin slightly. " That was for leaving us. Leaving the resistance to join the First Order." She spat, furrowing her eyebrows.

" Rey, I-" I began whispering, but she then pulled me into a hug, which was even more unexpected than the slap. I awkwardly stood there, dumbfounded. " And this is for coming back, alive." She muffled. Once my brain processed what was happening, I wasted not time to wrap my arms around her as well. 

I felt relieved, and the pain in different areas of my head seemed to disappear, and I didn't feel blood dripping down my forehead wound anymore. It was as if my whole body had healed, and I felt so light and relaxed. I parted from the hug and touched where my wound would've been, only to find my skin had healed. 

" Y- you force healed me?" I asked, astounded. Of course, that wasn't my knowledge, but the one passed down by Vizsla's force ghost. I lifted up the bottom right side of my shirt to where the stab scar from Givu Djarggi would've been, but it wasn't there. Rey's healing had made it disappear. 

" I thought you were dead, y/n! The least I could do is heal your wound." Rey exclaimed, as a tear fell down her cheek. I felt my eyes watering as well at this point. 

At her words, I lifted the opposite side of my shirt a little higher, in the place where Leone Odan's inflicted wound would've been, that one too, had vanished. " You healed all of them." I mumbled in awe. 

" All of them? You had more than one? The one I saw wasn't the only fatal one? Back in Kijimi. I swear I thought you had died."

" Me? Dead? Come on, Rey. You know it takes more than a stab to take me down." I chuckled, wiping away an incoming tear. I hadn't thought about the events in Kijimi for some time, and I was just beginning to remember that Finn, Rey, and Poe had also been there to witness... well, an unpleasant scene between bounty hunters.

" I'm sorry to have caused you to worry. I know you saw that scene, I just- didn't think you'd be concerned about it, and for months..." I admitted. 

" How could I not? You're my friend, and I taught you many things. Even if you left us, I always cared about you." She replied. 

" About that. Rey, I- I can't apologize enough to express how much I'm sorry. I know the resistance must hate me for what I did those months ago. I know I'm not going to be trusted at all, but please, Rey. I need your help, the help of all of you." I lamented, remembering why I was here in the first place.

" Our help?" Rey repeated. 

"  I- I need to see Leia and the other generals." I requested. 

Rey looked hesitant for a couple moments. She doesn't trust me entirely, I sighed, feeling heavy hearted. " Please Rey. I'll tell all of you everything that happened and why I am here. Just please let me see her."

" ...Okay." She finally agreed. " I don't have anything against you being here, y/n. I know you think I don't trust you, but I do. I know your intentions aren't bad, but you have to know that not everybody here will think as I do."

" I don't care. If judging glances and hatred is all I have to endure to get to the general, that's the least I can do. As long as the general Leia trusts me too, I'm fine with anything." I meekly smiled in reassurance. 

" You've matured." Rey nodded and threw my arm over her shoulders for support. Even if she had healed me with the help of the force, I felt exhausted, more mentally than physically, but it affected my limbs and movements. 

" Not really. I'd say it's just because I learned from other people as well." I shot back with a chuckle. 

Rey guided me through some foliage, which awfully reminded me of D'Qar. To my surprise, the resistance base hadn't been too far away from where I had landed-  or rather crashed. There were large hangars with pretty big space ships as well as a fleet of X wings, and the rest looked a bit like the base in D'Qar. 

I wonder how they built it up in such little time since they transferred the resistance headquarters here. I pondered. Unless it was already here before?

As we continued to walk through the base, I could literally feel the glares of others burning into my skin. The judgement and dislike of others was radiating towards me so clearly. Don't pay attention to them, y/n... Concentrate on what you're going to tell general Leia and the others.

That was probably the smartest thing to do right now. In the short amount of time I had left until I would be face to face with the generals of the resistance, I had to come up with at least some sort of mental speech of my plan. I couldn't just walk up to Leia and say ' Hi, I'm back after I made it clear I chose the other side, and now I want to bring your son back to the light.'

" Are you hanging in there alright?" Rey brought me out of my thoughts. 

I nodded. " As I said: it's the least I can do." 

We came upon a moderate size building, to which Rey stopped in front of. " You ready?" She asked. " Not at all. I'm frightened. But lets go." I visibly gulped. 

She pushed aside the large curtain that served as the entrance to hide the interior of the room and cleared her throat. My heart sank. Inside where only to people, a man which I'd never personally seen before, but I instantly knew was general Carlist Rieekan, and the other was general Leia.

My eyes met Leia's, and I immediately felt the urge to run to her and hug her too, but I didn't. I noticed she looked less healthy than last time I'd seen her. She was weakening, it was visible. My heart felt heavy. I wouldn't know how she would react to everything that happened with her son, and it worried me. 

" Y/n." She caught my attention, opening her arms as an invite for an embrace. 

Tears threatened to spill as I walked towards her with a little difficulty and slumped into her hug, leaning my forehead on her shoulder with my arms loosely around her neck, being careful not to lean too much weigh on her fragile looking body. 

" What are you doing here?" She whispered so only I could hear. 

" I- I had to come. I had to see all of you. And I need your help." I sobbed quietly. 

We parted the hug, but Leia's hands remained secured on both my shoulders. " Help?" She repeated the same as Rey had. 

I nodded and wiped away tears with the sleeve of my tunic. I then did what I told myself I would try to avoid. I hadn't come up with any way to deliver the news, so I would just have to say it how it came. 

" I want to bring Ben Solo -your son- back."

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