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I am currently sitting in the waiting room of St. John's hospital. Basically how I spend the whole day. The nurses have to literally drag me out of the hospital sometimes. I just never want to leave Os' side.

Jack got arrested. The guy who tried to harass me probably died or something. All I care about is Os. He's been in the hospital for over a month now. A month, I tell you. I spent the rest of my school days and the beginning of winter break in this hospital, hoping he'd wake up to see me here. Day by Day my faith diminished but it never vanished completely. And that's why I'm in here today too.

I bring along his favourite, hoping that he'd wake up to his best meal ever. Happens every single day. I leave the hospital with the cold food and give it out to someone on the streets. But today, today I have a strong urge that a miracle is gonna come my way.

Just as I'm lost in my thoughts, I get a call from my mom.

"Hey mum." I yawn.

"Honey, I know you're at the hospital right now but your cousins are here and you need to meet them. I promise it won't take much of your time."

"Which of my cousins?"

"Just come home and meet them, honey."

"Fine. I'll be right there."

I walk into Oswald's room and stare at his inert body.

"I love you, Oswald. Please wake up." I let a tear slip down my face and give Oswald a forehead kiss before I leave the hospital room. I say that every single time I leave his hospital room. I never got to say it back then.

"Get the medics in here." A distant voice says.
Os raises his hand to my cheeks with much difficulty and probably with all the strength he has, whispers 'I love you.' He closes his eyes that instant and I let out a shout. The medics rush in immediately and drag away Oswald's still body from me.
End of flashback:

I thought I'd lost him for life. I thought I'd never see him again. That's another reason why I'm here everyday. To make sure he doesn't dare leave me.

I get home to find my mom's sister and her children waiting for me.

"Cousin Panchito. Prima Graciela. Aunt Mila. What are you guys doing here?" I ask, hugging them all.

"Well we came to visit you, of course. Heard what happened to your boyfriend. Thought you needed your Aunt Mila to cheer you up."

"Thanks Aunt Mila. I really appreciate the effort. How's Uncle Luis?" I start up the conversation.

Turns out my uncle opened an apprenticeship school for those back in our hometown. He has just always loved giving back to his community. So he opened this informal institution for tailoring, mechanics, catering and what have you?

We chat for sometime, which seems to take my mind off the whole incident at hand for the time being. After sometime, I decide to visit Os again, seeing as I'd been gone for so long. I think I'll spend the night there.

I walk in, a new spirit empowering me with more hope. I walk into Oswald's room to find it empty. Maybe they moved him to another room. I walk out and ask the nurse in charge of his case.

"Umm hey. Do you by any change know which room Mr. Russo was moved to?"

"Oh he wasn't moved to another room. He was moved out of this hospital. Probably out of this country."

"What?" I ask, hoping I didn't hear right.

"Yeah, I heard his dad talking to someone on the phone about getting the plane ready for the flight because "apparently" we weren't doing our work well and that's why he's still in coma. Anyway, I have to go. I have other patients who actually appreciate my service"

She says and leaves me standing in front of room 295 of St. John's hospital.

I receive a text message from an anonymous person.

You low life brat thought you could ruin my son by making him fall in love with you. And when that failed, you tried to get him killed. Well guess what? I am taking him far away, where he'll be free from you and your cursed life and when he's ready, he'll come back to build the Russo Empire. No one can hinder the plans I have for my son. Not you, not anyone so don't you dare try to contact him again. Hope you enjoy the rest of your poor, wretched life.

The message broke me but he wasn't entirely wrong. I've put Oswald through a lot in this relationship. He deserves better. Maybe, a change of atmosphere and people would be good for him. I just wish I could say a proper goodbye. I walk out of the hospital, oblivious to the life around me. Everyone seems so happy.

I spot a couple at the side of the road being all lovey dovey and it puts me at the edge of tears. Why couldn't Oswald and I be as happy as them? Last year was hectic. I've got to admit, it was pretty fun but too many negative things happened in that year only. And it just had to follow me into the new year. Just the beginning of January and I'm having a bad year already. How am I going to cope? I just lost a big part of my life.

I walk home and straight to my bedroom to cry. No one dares asks me what happened. I cry so much that my face hurts. Then I sit facing my purple coloured wall just sulking and thinking of the best moments I had with Oswald.

Just then, I burst into tears again. The huge teddy bear in my closet caught my eye. That must have been the cause. He got that for me. Literally everything in this room reminds me of him and the moments we shared together. How could the world be so cruel to us?

Is this a sign? Were we never meant to be together? All these questions run through my head as I let the tears flow freely down my cheeks which are now red and flushed from crying so much.

No matter how hard I try, I just can't stop. I close my eyes and all I see is him. I open them and all I see are things that remind me of him. Maybe, this is my kind of torture. My Hell on  earth.

The memories with him are my only hope now. At this moment, I really feel like I've lost myself.

Just as I am about to turn off my phone, I receive another message from Mr. Anonymous a.k.a. Mr. Russo.

It is a picture. I download it and regret that decision immediately. The picture is of Oswald being strolled towards an airplane.

Is the last I'm ever going to see of Os really be a picture of him on a bed with tubes connected to almost every part of his body?

The guilt. Oh the guilt. I can't help but feel that this is all my fault. And it really is. He got into all this mess because of me.

I take a last look at the picture before turning off my phone completely and getting back to crying.

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