I really was just a dare

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It's been a month since Levi and I started dating. Today is Saturday and I'm going over to his place for a hangout. We were supposed to go out today but he cancelled on me so I decided to surprise him with a monthaversary cake.

I got to his place and rang the doorbell. His butler opened up for me and told me he was in his room. I walked up to his room when I heard Mike's voice. I didn't know they'll be here. Maybe I should come back later. I say to myself and start to leave but something pulls me back.

"Dude. It's been a month. I don't really think she has fallen in love with you." A voice I can't identify says.

"Didn't I tell you guys. She said those three words just last week." Levi says. The door is opened a crack so I am able to see their faces.

"So when are you gonna break the news to her and get back to your player ways?" The guy asks.

"Bro, you're really going to do that? You scored huge and you're letting her go for a stupid dare? So what if you don't complete every dare? What's wrong with that? Are you trying to tell me you don't feel a thing for her?" The other guy I identify as Mike asked Levi.

"Nope. I feel nothing for her. I just did it to prove my point; I never back away from a dare." Levi says and I feel my world crumbling around me. I let out a squeak from my sobs and they seem to notice me now. I ran out of there as fast as my legs could take me.

Levi calls after me but I ignore him and keep running. I pick a cab and head straight home. Rosalio sees me as I enter and walks to me.

He gives me a sad look and pulls me into his arms as I cry into his shirt.

When I calm down, he asks what happened. I told him everything. I didn't realide we have company until I heard something slams against the table. It is Oswald's hand. That has got to hurt.

He rises up from his seat.

"Where are you going, man?" Rosalio asks.

"To teach that jerk a lesson." He says.

"Don't." I reply with a shaky voice. "Please. None of you should do anything of that sort. He may have used me but I still love him." I say and Oswald's face changes to that of hurt.

"I can't promise you that." Rosalio says and walks me to the couch.
Oswald brings me a glass of water and I drink from it.

I should have believed Oswald. It would have saved me from all of this. Everything was fake. The moments we shared, the kisses and hugs, pranks we pulled on his butler. All those were just to lure me into his trap and then break me. How could I have been so ignorant?

I don't remember when I drifted off to sleep but I wake up in my bed. It is 5am so I decide to get ready for church. I wasn't going to miss mass just because my life's a mess. I get ready and we all leave for church. My eyes are red and puffy so I have to put on shades.

After mass, I head straight to my room to study a bit. I do nothing of that sort. I just stare at my wall and sulk. How am I going to face him on Monday?

Will he still sit with us? Will he be with a new girl on Monday?

These questions keep running through my head and I didn't even realise I'm crying until Bennie hugs me tight and hands me a tissue. I lean my head on her shoulder and cry even more.

"I'm going to beat the crap out of that guy tomorrow." She says.

"How did-" I was asking when she interrupts me.

"Rosalio called me and told me everything. That's why I came over,"

"Please don't do anything to him. Let him live his life and I'll live mine. Don't hurt him because as much as I hate to admit it, I still love him." I say. "When I got there and I heard what he told his friends, it was like Jake all over again. Just that Levi didn't cheat. Or did he? I don't even know."

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