Stay Away

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It's Monday morning and I'm ready for school. I walk downstairs and have breakfast. A car honks and I look out to find Oswald or should I say Nicholas in yet another car. How rich is this guy again?

I leave a note since I'm the only one downstairs and walk out the front door with my school bag.
"How's my little angel doing?"

"Why are you soo peachy today?"

"Because thine hast been deemed honoured to be graced with the presence of such beauty."

"Okayy Prince Charming. Let's bounce."

We get to school and walk together to our lockers. I get stares and this time I start to feel uncomfortable. He notices and glares at them so they turn away.

I haven't heard from queen b which is good. B approaches us with a huge smile. "Hey lovebirds." She chirps and I blush.

"Hey Benedicta." Nick greets back.

"Too long. Call me Bennie."

"You had me worried sick, sis. How did you get to school?"

"Didn't you read my note? I got a ride from Nick."

"Who's Nick?" He asks.

"Stop calling me that." Oswald whines.

"No". I say and bop his nose.

"Don't make me puke my breakfast." Ross retches.

"Don't break her, Os or I'll kill you." He threatens.

"I promise, I won't. But we aren't together yet."

Ouch. That tugged at my heart. I know we aren't actually together and he did say yet but I expected him not to deny it. Am I asking for too much?

"What's wrong?" Nick asks.

"Nothing. Just thinking. Please don't tell anyone, Rosalio. Especially mama and papa. I don't want them to get the wrong idea."

"I promise, I won't." He sounds sincere.

We head off to class when the bell rings. During my last period of the day I hear my name on the sound system.

"Rosetta Rielle Williams, please report to the principal's office immediately"

This means two things:
I'm either in trouble or
I did something good.

I get there and enter her office. "Good afternoon ma'am." Judging by the look on her face I did not do something good.

"Have a seat Miss Williams, Mr. Russo wants to have a little chat with you."

"If you'd excuse me, sir." She says and leaves.

"Good afternoon Mr. Russo."

"I don't have time for pleasantries. I came here just to tell you to stay away from my son. You seem like a really good kid so I don't think I'll have to repeat myself."

"Sorry to question your authority sir but may I know why?"

"His grades are dropping and he's speaking back at me. I'm afraid you're not helping my son by being all lovey dovey with him that's why I'd advise you stay away from him."

"I can take you out of this school just in case you want to do otherwise. I'd think twice if I were you. I know you're a smart girl so make the right choice. You may leave now, Rosetta."

I say nothing and walk out sadly.

I bump into someone at the door.

"Sorry." I say absent-mindedly.

"Rosy, are you alright?" A familiar voice asks.

"Yes. Please leave me alone." I says and leave for class. The look of hurt on his face only makes it hurt me even more. It hurts me turning him away more than it hurts him.

I go through the rest of the day not really paying attention to what the teacher is saying.

After school I walk out the front door.

"Rosy, Rosy, Rosetta, hold up." He jogs up to me.

"We shouldn't be seen together."

"What has gotten into you Rosy? One minute you were fine and after seeing the Principal you don't want to be seen with me again. Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry. Please forgive me but please don't ignore me. I'd break if you do." He looks really vulnerable.

I look around and find Rosalio's car. I walk to it.
I'm hurting. I'm falling apart. I can feel my feet wobbling. I wanted to cry but I couldn't do that in front of him. I just destroyed what hadn't even started but could have been the best relationship ever and I regret every moment of it but I can't go back. I wanted to tell him the reason so bad but I thought it would be better if he didn't know. Things were already bad with his dad. Didn't want to make things worse.

I find Rosalio and he skips practice to take me home. He doesn't question me.
"Thanks." I say when we get home.

I turn to leave but remember something. "He's not to blame. Don't get angry at him. I'm at fault so please don't confront him."

His look changes. "If you say so, I won't. But if I find out it has something to do with him I won't hesitate to do justice to his pretty face."

"You won't have to."

"But just in case..." he says turning his hand into fists and playfully punches the air. I smile a weak smile.

"Thanks Rosalio. You're the best." I engulf him in a quick hug and head to my room. I can't learn or watch a movie. I pick a book to read. All I get is romance and it's killing me. I decide to sleep since nothing seems to be helping.

Hey guys. Short chapter. I know. I'll work on that. Let me know your thoughts on the story so far

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