Whatever I Can.

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I hate myself. I hate my life. I didn't mean to hurt Rosy. I've never felt that way about any girl.

Well except for Natasha. She was my first girlfriend but you know she cheated on me with my best friend then, Leslie which made me put up my walls so high yada yada yada.

They say when it's right you'll know it's right. This time I knew it was right but I just had to mess things up. How could I have been so dumb and self centred?

I really didn't know the value of what I had until I lost it. Now I don't have Rosy or my reputation. I fucked up.

I broke up with Mathilda right after the scene in the halls on Monday. She was furious so I wasn't surprised when she shamed me on Instagram but she's not bright enough to come with with such a devious plan.

There's definitely a mastermind behind such brilliant work and I know it's not Mathilda.

There's one other person that comes to mind though, Britney, but I don't think she'd do that to me, would she?
I think I should question her.

So I pick up the phone and send her a message.

Me💪:  We need to talk. Let's meet up at the diner on 12th Oak Street.

Brit: I'll be there at 5 sweetheart❤

I hate it when she calls me that but I try not to think about it this time.

It's 4:30pm. Good thing I didn't change out of my clothes after school. I don't have any other clean shirts left to put on. I asked everyone to stay out of my room. Yes, I took my anger out on my wall. I didn't want to hurt anyone but myself. It was for their own good.

I pick the keys to my Bentley and drive off. I get there at 4:53 and turn off the engine. I'm about to step out when I see Rosalio's car parked behind mine. That guy scared the shit out of me yesterday. I decide to wait till he leaves before I step out.

To my surprise, it's not Rosalio but Rosetta. She looks hot in what she's wearing. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her at school. I will do whatever I can to get her back.

She walks into the bakery adjacent to the diner I am headed to. Once she's gone, I put on my shades and walk out of the car. I just love my shades.

I walk into the diner and get seated at a table. A waiter walks over to me and hands me a menu. I order a hamburger with fries and a ginger ale as I wait for Britney.

At exactly 5:00 she walks in and sashays over to me. She leaves a kiss on my cheek and it takes all my might not to wipe it off. I need to be on her good side if I am going to get anything out of her.

"I knew you'd come running back into my arms after she dumped you. You and I are meant for each other" she says batting her fake eyelashes.

I roll my eyes. That's not why I called her here but let me just have her think that for now.

"Yes. I made a wrong decision. With Rosetta and Mathilda"

"You sure did. Mathilda is such a bitch. She had the nerve to post such wicked stuff about you." She says, feigning pity.

"I am going to teach her a lesson. Not to mess with me, and whoever helped her with it would regret ever doing that." I say angrily.

She looks scared. I knew it.

"You don't really want to hurt anyone. You don't have to do that. Let it go babe." She places her hand on mine and I resist the urge to pull mine away. She's falling into the trap. Just a little more.

"Why not?" I place my other hand on hers and she looks at me.

"I think she was really angry when she posted those mean stuff about you and calling you a dickhead. You should just forget about it." She says and I can see she's really nervous.

I have her right where I want her. I drop her hand and she looks at me shocked.

"Mathilda never called me a dickhead in the public post. She sent that to me privately and you wouldn't know that unless you helped her do it or should I say you gave her the idea."

"What are you talking about babe?" She chuckles nervously

"First of all, I'm not your babe and secondly, drop that act. I know you gave Mathilda the idea of disgracing me on social media. I understand why she would want to hurt me but you making her post that, that's pure evil.
I never liked you and I will never like you because you are a self-centered, fake bitch who cannot stand rejection and wants to make everyone else's life a living hell because of that. Well you know what? Fuck you. F**k you and your stupid plastic lifestyle. You can go to hell for all I care but don't even think once that I'll ever love you. Not after this." I end it and get up to leave.

I had to pay for the food I ordered though it never arrived so I leave a hundred on the table. I know it's more than enough but who cares?

I walk out of there, leaving Britney to cry to herself. I'm sure that's fake too.

It's 5:39 and Rosalio's car is still there so I assume Rosetta is still around. I'm about to drive off when Oswald's car stops closeby and Rosalio walks out immediately with Oswald behind him.

I hide my face to avoid getting seen. It seems they didn't notice me because Rosalio looked irritated. That guy has anger issues I tell you. I decide to stick around and see what happens. I'm curious.

About five minutes of waiting in my car I spot Oswald running out of the bakery. He stops to do something on his phone and picks up his quick pace again, running into the playground opposite the bakery. About a minute later Rosalio comes out too, chasing after him. This has got to be fun. I watch them for a while and then Rosetta comes into view.

She laughs and my heart drops. I love her laughs. They're so sweet and angelic. Rosalio grabs Oswald's phone after going down with him and gives it back after a while. They both get up and walk to Rosetta who is still laughing.

Rosalio asks her something and she answers, laughing again.

They begin to walk away and I look in my mirror to see what happens. Rosetta runs to the driver's seat of the car and Rosalio mutters something, running after her.  It looks like she locked the car.

Oswald says something to Rosalio, pats his back and grabs his bag off the car. He walks to his own car and drives off. I hide my face so he can't see me. I look back and see Rosalio having his backpack in hand with his arms crossed.

Well, I better get going. I start the car and drive home. I walk straight to my room and watch some TV. At least I still have that to keep me company in my messed up life.

A chapter completely in Levi's POV. Hope you like it.

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