New Addition To The Family.

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The week went by so fast. Suddenly I'm of great importance to people who didn't even spare me a second glance before all this.

It's Friday now. I just got out of my last class before lunch. I am starving. I am walking towards the cafeteria when I see a girl I recognise from my Literature class being harassed by Timothy and his guys.

Timothy is captain of the lacrosse team and might I add a big jerk. Bennie and I call him the Jerky Jock. I have to help That Girl Whose Name Is Unknown so I walk over.

"Hey Timothy. Pick on someone your own size." I say referring to the little him down there.

"And who is going to make me?" He asks

"I would but I'm pretty sure your tiny thing has already disqualified you." I say, earning gasps from those who can't just mind their own business in this school.

"Watch you mouth bi**h."

"Oh so you do admit you have a tiny one so why even bother?" I tease a little more and he lets the girl go, walking towards me.

"Don't mess with me." He warns.

"Else what?" I ask.

He's about to hit me like the coward he is but before I can even stop him myself, his hand is grabbed and twisted in just a second.

"Owwwwww!!!" He exclaims in a high pitched voice.

I want to laugh a little bit more but his hand might fall off if the person doesn't stop.

"That's enough Oswald. Let go off him. I think he has learnt his lesson."

Oswald looks at me and back at Timothy before glaring at him and letting go.

I walk back towards the girl to ask if she's okay but before I get there, I feel a push on my back which makes me tumble foward. Oh no he didn't.

Os is about to act again but I stop him with my hand and whisper 'I got this' to him.

I turn to Timothy and give him 3 punches in the face and end with a kick where the sun don't shine. He falls to the ground gripping his tiny thingy.

"Aww did I hurt your baby carrot? That should teach you not to mess with defenceless girls. They might not be so defenceless after all." I smirk at him and move towards the girl.

"Are you okay?" I ask her

"Yeah. I am. No one in this school has ever done that for me before." she says and finishes with "Thank you."

"You're most welcome. Want to have lunch with me?" I ask.

"You sit with some of the most popular kids in school. They won't allow me there."

"Oh come on. They're not that bad. Just join us this once. If anyone treats you badly, I will break a finger or two." I say and she laughs.

I walk into the cafeteria with her and we head towards my table after we grab our lunches.

"That was some mad skill you showed there. The triple punch and kick. Finally, my lessons have paid off." Rosalio praises himself.

"Who's your new friend?" He asks.

"I'm Daniella Espinoza." She answers.

"You're in my Arts class right?" He asks.

"Yes. We were in the same group last year for the Arts and Crafts show." She answers.

"I remember. Max was supposed to keep our project safe but he left it out and it got drenched in the rain." He says and they laugh.

"That was the first and most relishing D I ever got." She adds.

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