Long Day Indeed

92 18 11

"In conclusion, the moisture and oxygen"-


We all pack up and leave our last class before lunch break. I was starved. I love my food.

I head for the cafeteria when I'm pulled into an empty classroom by a smallish hand. I see three girls in front of me in the dimly lit room.

"What do you want Esther?"

"How do you know my middle name?" The queen b asks.

"Is that why you dragged me here?"

"He's mine."

"Who's yours?"

"Don't play dumb with me."

"Oh you mean the monkey I bought today. You two would be a perfect match". This isn't me. Who is speaking? When did I become so courageous?

"I mean Oswald." she says through gritted teeth.

"Wait. I thought you just broke up with Daniels."

"That's none of your business."

"Okay, then bye."

"I'm not done with you. Stay away from him. You are no one to get close to what is mine. Don't mess with me."

"Is that all? I've got some lunch to enjoy." I say and start heading for the door.

"He's mine, Williams!" She shouts from behind me. Wow, that girl has no self respect.

"What kept you so long?" B asks.

"Just queen b telling me to stay away from rich guy."

"And what did you tell her?"

"I didn't even give any attention to that. I don't own him and neither does she."

"Can I join you guys?" Oswald pops in.

"No;Yes" I and Bennie say at the same time.

"You may sit." B tries again and nudges me in the arm.

I whisper a "what?" to her.

Just then, Levi also approaches our table.

"Good gravies. Not again." I mutter under my breath.

"Why? Aren't you glad to have me sit with you?" He asks.

"I'd rather eat dirt."

"Rosy!" B exclaims.

"What? I'm just speaking the truth."

"What has gotten into you?"

"I'm just embracing my inner self. I like to call it finding the real me."

"I like the old you better."

"I'm loving the new you better." Levi says.

I give him the eye and dig into my food. I do that a lot these days.

"When did this table start to get crowded?" Rosalio asks.

"Hey bro." bad boy greets and they do a secret handshake. He does same with Os.

Might be a thing for basketball players.

"What's this meeting about?"

"Your sis is refusing to give in to me." Levi says. More like whines.

"I can't blame her."

"Wait you're on her side too?"

"I mean I like you dude but you're a player. I can't have her heart broken."

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