This Is Just The Beginning.

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After detention, I meet the girls at Coffee and Cakes. Ella lent me her car and went ahead with Bennie.

When I got there, I spotted them chatting and laughing. Glad to know they are on getting good terms.

"Hey guys." I sit next to Bennie with Ella seated across from us.

"So, where were we?" I go straight to the point.

"Umm can we maybe talk somewhere private." Ella requests.

"Sure" Bennie says

"How about my house?" I ask and they both nod. We get up and leave.

I argue with Ella and manage to drive her car home. I love driving so much but I'm just not ready for the responsibility of owning a car.

Once we arrive, I walk with them straight to my room after greeting mom who sat in the living room probably watching Lucifer. Isn't she supposed to be writing lesson notes or marking assignments?

I grab some snacks from the kitchen. A girl's gotta eat when a girl's gotta eat.

I shut the door and lock it immediately we walk through. Each of us with a snack in front of us, we form a circle, crisscrossing our legs.

Ella takes a deep breath and says sighs "I like Rosalio a lot but there's just one thing; I fear he might just use me. Why would someone as popular and good looking as Rosalio take notice of me to even take interest in me?"

"Don't say that Ella. You're beautiful, smart, funny and overall you're you. You don't pretend or act fake and that's probably one thing he sees in you. You're an amazing person and I can guarantee you that anyone who has you in their lives is a very lucky person."

"I don't know what to do now. He told me he likes me and I couldn't say a thing." She says

"Geez. Now I know why you two click. You girls should know that when a guy tells you he likes you, you don't leave him hanging. A simple yes or no would do. Now we can't make the decision for you but think of what you want. Do you want to take your chances and follow your heart or live in perpetual fear of being hurt?"  Bennie asks

"I'll think about it and let you guys know my decision. I'm so glad I have you guys. I wouldn't have known what to do." I smile at her and we share a group hug.

"Selfie time!" Bennie declares and we scoot together to all fit into the picture.

Bennie posts it with the hashtag

The girls stay a while longer and we watch Money Heist together.

Bennie and Ella stay over for dinner and leave shortly after. Sadly, Rosalio texted that he was having dinner with a friend.

After the girls left, I continued to watch the series, this time with mom.

Today's Saturday. Os texted me to meet him at his place. It's quite odd that he'll ask me to meet him at 6am and that too so blankly. He didn't use any emojis. Didn't say hi. Maybe it's really important. I shrug it off and get ready.

I take the bus most of the way and walk the rest of the way since buses aren't allowed within a metre's range of the house. Absurd, right?

I get excited when I think of the time Os and I have spent together. Those are the moments and nothing could go wrong now. In the blink of an eye, I'm hit by a sharp force, rendering me flying across the road into the bushes nearby, my head unluckily landing on a large rock, knocking me out cold but before I did I saw a face. His face.

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