Chickened Out.

49 11 36

There in front of me stood the girl of my dreams. Okay, that's an exaggeration.
Not gonna lie, she looked so hot in her really short shorts and crop top.

I knew she was beautiful but damn, this girl's on fire

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I knew she was beautiful but damn, this girl's on fire. I just stare at here with my mouth agape.

"Hey Ross. What a pleasant surprise. Please come in."

She steps aside and I walk in, composing myself again.

"So what brings you to my humble abode this fine afternoon?" She says all fancy while giggling.

She's so cute when she giggles. Okay, it's confirmed. I'm whipped.

"Umm I got this for you." I say, handing the bouquet to her and rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

I got her Lilac flowers.

"They're beautiful. Thank you. I'm glad they're not Tulips though. I'm allergic to those."

Those were my first choice. Thank God Gustav asked me to choose the Lilacs instead.

"Why did you bring me flowers though?" She asks, looking at me.

"Oh umm I wanted an unbiased opinion on it. I want to give it to my sister. She was planning on starting a flower garden." Okay so I chickened out.

"Oh." She looks disappointed but masks it with a smile. "They're lovely. I'm sure Rosetta would love them." She says.

"Thank you so much. I've got to go now." I say and get up.

Don't be a dum dum. Just ask her.

Not now Steve. Yes, I named my subconscious. Weirdness runs in the family.

"See you on Monday Ross." She says as I leave through the front door.

I wave at her and walk towards my car.

Once I'm sure I'm out of sight I stop the car and stare at the road. This has never happened before.

I, Rosalio Williams never chicken out. I mean I ate dog food just because it was a dare but I couldn't ask a girl on a date?

This is way harder than I anticipated it to be. I start up the car again and drive home.

I see mom in the living room when I enter.

"Hey mom. Want some flowers?" I ask and hand it to her.

"Where did I sleep today? I think that's my lucky spot." She jokes and I flash her a fake smile.

She sees right through it. "What's wrong honey?"

"What do you do when you really want something but you fear you can't have it?" I ask her.

"If you really want it, You wouldn't let fear rule you. As I always say..."

"Success comes only with a strive towards it" we conclude together and I smile sincerely this time.

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