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Oswald and I walk out of the bakery hand in hand with smiles on our faces.

We walk towards his car but hide behind a building as we spot some paparazzi approaching. I wonder how he's able to cope with this. I end up with my back on the wall and he caging me with his hands.

He stares into my eyes and I can't look away. He inches his face closer to mine and our noses touch. Just when his lips are almost on mine, a light flashes and the man behind the camera calls the others.

Os grabs my hand as we run towards his car. We get in quickly and he drives off immediately.

We use roads I never knew existed till we lost the paparazzi. We end up close to what looks like a forest.

Os walks out of the car and opens my side for me to come out.

"Follow me." He says.

We walk further and arrive at a waterfall. The scenery is beautiful.

"This is my hideout. My escape from the real world. I've always wanted to show you this place."

"It's beautiful." I say, admiring it.

"Just like you." He says and I turn to him.

We stare at each other and he moves closer to me. He wraps his hands around my waist and brings his head down to mine.

Why does he have to be so tall? I'm not even that short.

In just seconds his lips are on mine and we're sharing a kiss. It is electrifying. I feel all gibberish inside.

It is slow and passionate. I love it.

We break apart a while later and he smiles at me. Our foreheads still together.

I look back at the waterfall, breaking eye contact.

"How did you find this place?" I ask

"My dad and I were hiking back when he wasn't a monster and we came across this place. This is where I come to find peace. Forget about my problems and picture my life in a better way."

He looks sad so I give him a hug and he smiles.

"I'm here for you. Don't ever forget that." I say

"I remember the first day I saw you. You were in a purple flurry dress that reached above your knees and white ankle boots. You looked amazing. You thought no one notices you but I did and I know the other boys did too. You reminded me of One Direction's song:What Makes You Beautiful. You didn't know you are beautiful and that's what makes you beautiful"

I smile at him.

"Do you remember the audio message you received for your 15th birthday?"

"Yeah" I smile as the memory comes rushing back."You did that?" I ask

"Yep" he says.

The audio message was a song. The person said that he was my crush and wrote a song just for me. He sang beautifully. I loved it.

It made me feel better because I had broken up with Jack just 2 weeks before that.

"I loved it. Helped me get over Jack." I say.

"Ugh. That jerk." He says. "What I did to him for hurting you. I don't think he'd ever mess with a girl's feelings again." He says.

"So that's why he was absent for a week. When I asked him what happened, he asked me to stay away from him and just ran off." I laugh thinking about it.

"What about the chocolates and bouquet of flowers you got for Valentines last year. Do you remember that?"

"You did that too? I thought Sanjay did that."

Forever His✔️ - EDITING Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon