I Don't Remember.

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I wake up in the hospital not quite remembering how I got here. Rosalio told me I got into a car accident and the Oswald guy rushed me here. He seems like a caring friend and I'm glad he looks out for me, even though I don't remember him.

"You didn't answer my first question. Who's he to me?" I ask Rosalio after Oswald leaves

"He's your boyfriend."

"Boy- How did that happen?" I ask and he explains it to me.

"Is that not how Levi and I got together?" I ask

I seem to have gotten events and dates jumbled up.

"No." Rosalio says and takes out his phone out.

"See?" There was of photo of the Oswald guy and I sharing an intimate moment. We were so close. Why can't I remember then?

The harder I try the more my head hurts.

The room starts to spin and I my head feels light, making it fall back on the pillow. Rosalio walks out 0perhaps in search of a nurse while I shut my eyes tightly, fearful of what might happen.

I call the nurse and we are asked to stay out. We wait in anticipation. A few minutes later, the doctor walks out with the nurse and she approaches us.

"Have you tried to help her remember some things she might have forgotten?" She asks and I nod

"Apparently, it was too much information for her to take in and she forcing to remember caused her lightheadedness. She was working her brain beyond it's limits. I'll advice you don't try to bring her memory back until she's in a more stable condition to comprehend much information." She says and walks back into Rosetta's room.

Bennie turns to me."I have to go Rosalio. I don't think I'll be allowed in there now but please let her know that I left because it was urgent."

She hugs me and whispers,"Things will get back to normal pretty soon and yeah, don't forget to talk to Daniella."

She knows too. Ugh.  She lets go of me and leaves.

Daniella returns shortly after with a snack in hand. I still wonder how that girl remains slim despite all the junk food she takes.

"Where's Bennie?" She asks.

"You just missed her. Said it was something important and had to rush home."

"But she's my ride." Ella whines.

"I could take you home." I offer and she nods thankfully.

"Let me just say goodbye to Rosetta." We walk towards the room and they tell us she's asleep.

We walk back to where mom and dad are now seated.

"Please let her know I left." Ella tells mom and she smiles back at her.

I walk her to my car and open the door for her.

"Ooo. Quite gentlemanly." She gushes. I just chuckle and walk over to my side. The car ride is silent but I really want to talk and I can see she does too.

"I want-"
"I shouldn't-"
We say simultaneously.

"You go first." She nods and says, "I want to apologise for leaving you hanging the other day."

"It's not your fault. I shouldn't have just popped it up like that. I'm sorry." I say and look at her for a brief second before looking back at the road.

We get to her house sooner than expected and she hesitates in alighting. Seems like she's not done talking.

I stare at her and she looks away. I turn her head to face me but she avoids eye contact. I just sigh and look in front of me.

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