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It's currently 6pm and I'm over at Bennie's place with Os. Thankfully, Lisa doesn't question me about him. Lisa receives a call about 20 minutes past 6 from Bennie informing her that she had arrived at the airport.

Oswald drives us there. Once I spot Bennie, I run over to her. Everything seems to be moving in slow motion like in movies. Unfortunately, I don't stop running on time and crash into Bennie, causing our heads to clash. Luckily, she only stumbles.

Os trots over to us. "Are you girls alright?" He asks scanning me over.

"We're fine." I reply still rubbing my head.

I stare past Os to Bennie and we hold each other's gaze until we both burst out laughing.

"I seriously thought you guys were hurt." Os states.

"My best friend is a klutz. I'm used to it Oswald." Bennie gets out after her laughter subsides.

"Let's get going. It's getting late." Lisa calls us over and Oswald drives us to Lisa's with Lisa in the front and Bennie and I perching at the back. Anytime Os catches my glance in the rearview mirror, he smiles at me and I just can't look away.

"Earth to Rosetta." Bennie calls out beside me.


"Were you even listening to me?" She asks

"Sorry. Got a little distracted." I say looking at Os through the mirror who just smiles at me once more.

I turn back to look at Bennie who is now smirking at me.

"What?" I ask

"If my mother wasn't in this car right now, I would have teased the heck out of you." And suddenly I'm so glad Lisa is with us.I'd have been so embarrassed.

We get to Lisa's and Os is about to drive off when Lisa asks, "Would you guys like to stay for dinner?"

I look at Os for approval and he nods. I turn back to Lisa. "We'd love to."

I text mom to let her know my whereabouts. She's okay with me having dinner at Lisa's.

Once I'm done, I exit the car with Os beside me. Just a few steps through the door, Bennie drags us both into her room and drops us on her bed.

"What the-" I intend asking but she shushes me.

"Realised you two needed privacy. If you need me, I'll be in the kitchen helping mom." She says and walks out quickly.

I get up from the bed and face Os. "Sorry about her. She can be a little pushy sometimes." I apologise on her behalf.

"It's no bother." He says ever so calmly.

The intense gazing begins once more but I break it and search for the TV remote instead. I find it and put Loud House on.

I laughed at almost every scene not realising that Os isn't watching anymore but is staring at me.

I question him with my eyes. "You have a cute laugh." Is what he says as though he could read my eyes.

I blush.

I have no idea the time we began to inch closer to each other but if one of us moves even a tiny bit, our faces would touch. I don't know what we are waiting for. We just keep staring at each other.

He brings his lips closer to mine.

"Dinner is ready guys." Lisa's voice sounds from the doorway and we break apart. I'm flushing as red as pepper.

"We'll be right there." I say and she walks away looking surprised? Or maybe shocked.

I need to talk to her about it. She cannot tell mum.

I catch up to her. "Need anything dear?"

"About what you saw there-" she cuts me off

"Don't worry Rosetta. Your secret is safe with me. I know how your parents can get. I'm not telling them about this. Not after You Know Who. I just hope you made the right decision this time." She pinches my cheeks gently.

Yup. Lisa knows about Jack. She's like my mom after all. The cooler one at that too. Don't tell my mom.

Bennie walks to me when she sees me approaching. "I'm sorry about that. I wanted to come get you guys but she insisted on coming to get you guys herself." She says apologetically.

"No need to be. She's not gonna tell." Her look shifts to that of relief.

"Wait so this means you two were actually doing something. OMG!" She squeals and I roll my eyes, unable to hide the blush creeping to my cheeks.

We settle down for dinner with Os seated opposite me and Bennie beside me. Lisa sits beside Os. We share the grace and dig into the meal which consisted of chicken and spinach braised in creamy paprika sauce.

"This dinner is very palatable Mrs. Armando."

"Thank you and please call me Lisa. A friend of my girls is a friend of mine."
She smiles at him.

After dinner, Bennie and I clear the table while Os engages in a conversation with Lisa.

Lisa asks to know more about me and gasps when she finds out that I'm the son of Mr. Russo.

"Russo. As in Valco Russo, the multimillionaire?"

"Yes." If it was my dad, he'd have told her he's a multibillionaire.

"Rosy didn't just make a handsome choice but a rich one too. I need to commend her for that." She jokes. Suddenly she turns a serious face.

"Treat her well. She's fragile. We don't want a repetition of Jack"

"I won't hurt her ever." I say

"You know about Jack?" She asks me

"Same school." I reply and she nods.

"I can see she likes you a lot. Never let her go. No matter what."

"I can't and certainly won't." I say more to myself than to her

The girls join us right at that moment

"What's poppin' ma peps?" Bennie asks and her mom gives her a look before answering. "Just getting to know Oswald here." She says

"I wish I could stay longer Lisa but I've got to get going." Rosy announces.

"See you soon dearies." Lisa says to both of us as Bennie walks us to the door.

"See you lovebirds at school tomorrow." She says and gives Rosy a hug while she first bumps me.

Rosy gets into my car and I drive her home.

"Oh no no no." She says as we get closer to her house.

"Why?" I ask

"My mom can't see you. She'll start to get suspicious and ask too many questions I'm not ready to answer." She explains.

"What do you wanna do then?" I ask as I park opposite her house.

"Let's wait here till she gets in." She looks back to where her mom is standing.

"While we wait..." She turns to me. "May I?" She smiles as an answer and I crash my lips onto hers.

We break apart when we hear a tapping on the window. Rosy turns slowly to look at her side in fear of who or what might be there.

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