How Will I Survive?

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I walk with the boys to Mrs. P's office.
"I understand you two got into a fight with Levi Daniels. Is that right?"

"I got into a fight not Rosalio."
"I got into a fight not Oswald."
"None of them is to blame. I did it." All three of us say at the same time.

"I want absolute sincerity now. Who got into a fight with Levi Daniels?"

"I did." We all say simultaneously.
This time Mrs. P looks annoyed.

"If no one is willing to tell me what really happened you all get detention for 3 weeks."

"Don't punish them. I did it. I'm ready for whatever punishment you give me." I say. They both look at me shocked and I give them the look that spells out 'don't say a word'.

"Well, Miss Williams, since this is the first time you have ever gotten into a fight at this school I'd let you off with detention for two weeks." I just nod.

I'm okay with that.
"You can leave now." Mrs. P says.

"Why did you-" Rosalio is about to ask when I jump in.

"Don't. I asked you two to do nothing yet you didn't listen. If I hadn't done that you- I look at Rosalio- wouldn't be captain of the basketball team any longer and you- I look at Oswald- would be in more trouble with your dad." I say and leave them standing there thinking of the consequences of their actions.

School was over quickly. I stayed an hour more for detention where I read a romance novel. "Love Struggles But Still Finds A Way." I loved it.

I walked to the gym to see Rosalio still at practice so I decide to get the key and wait in the car.

As I walk out of the doors, I hear my name. I know the voice so I just keep walking. He catches up with me and grabs my wrist.

"What do you want?" I ask in a bored tone.

"To talk with you." He says.

"I have nothing to say to you." I tell him and free my wrist.

"But I do. I'm sorry. Yes, this whole thing started out as a dare but at some point, I started to actually like you."

Oh please. Spare me the crap.

"Harry wouldn't have let me be if I backed out so I planned to tell you about it. Then we act like I actually broke up with you but we patched things up again and are back together. I didn't mean for you to find out that way."

"All that you're saying is reasonable nonsense. Maybe you had a change of heart, maybe you didn't, but the mere fact that you still wanted to win the dare just tells me that I'm not as important as your reputation. After all, if you say you really liked me, you wouldn't be with a girl today, would you?"

"I only got together with Matilda because I was trying to forget about all of this but I couldn't. I didn't do anything with her I promise."

"But you kissed her. In front of the whole school and you have your reputation back, everything is back to normal so let's leave things how they are. Have a good life Mr. Bad boy" I say and turn around but he grips my arm yet again. Does this boy ever give up?

"I can't live my life. I can't forget about you Rosetta. I love you"

"Well I don't" I state with a straight face, looking him right in the eye so he sees I'm fucking serious about it.
What he does next shocks me. He cups my face with his hands and kisses me.

"Do you really want to let that go?" He asks and I slap him.

"Never ever try to pull that stunt again or I'll break your fingers off" I threaten, wipe my lips and walk off. The nerve that guy has.

I sit in the car and wait for Rosalio. While I wait, I call Bennie. She stayed home today to pack up for her foreign exchange program. I haven't been a good friend lately. I need to go over and help her pack.

When Rosalio arrives, I ask him to drop me off at Bennie's.

Fifteen minutes later I am in front of Bennie's house. I knock on the door and walk in. I see Lisa in the living room. Lisa is Bennie's mom.

"Hey Lisa." I greet

"Hi dear. She's in her room" she says. Reading my mind.

"Okay. Thanks" I say and go up the stairs.

"Hey b"

"Hiyya" she replies. "How was school?"

"Boring as always. I got detention though" was my reply.

"How?" She asks.

"Covering up for two dum dums" I say

"Let me guess. Oswald and Rosalio?" she asks.

"Mhm. They beat the crap out of Levi even after I warned them not to and I ended up taking the blame for them. I've got detention for two weeks"

"I'm so proud" she says and I'm quite surprised

"Proud?" I question

"Yep. You never get detention. Always get off with a warning. I thought your first time in detention would be for something worse but this would suffice"

I just shake my head.

"So how long will you be gone for?"

"A week"

"Noooooooo. How will I survive without you?" I say dramatically and fall onto her bed.
She shakes her head

"I'd be back in no time. You wouldn't even realize I'm gone" she reassures

"But what if I need fashion advice?" I ask

"Ask your mom or my mom" she answers

"But what if I need someone to rant to?" I ask again

"Rosalio" was her brief answer

"But what if I need a shoulder to cry on?"

"The huge teddy bear in your closet would do just fine"

"But what if I need a Bennie" I say and this time she sighs.

"Look, I'd love to stay here and be with you through all of this but I can't. My flight is booked, I've already packed up. I have to go. If you need a Bennie, call me at anytime. I'll be there for you" she says and I give her a hug.

"I love you" I say

"I love your annoying ass more. Now help me pack up" I did that and an hour later, her bags are packed.

She leaves for the airport at 10:30 so I text my mom telling her that I won't be home early. I have dinner at Bennie's and we watch a movie before we have to leave for the airport.

She checks in and waits for her flight to be called in. Once she hears it, she gives us both hugs, grabs her luggage and moves along. I'm gonna miss her.

Lisa and I also leave shortly after. She drops me off at home. I thank her, wishing her goodnight and head inside.

Once in, I move straight to my room and freshen up. Immediately I hit the soft bed, I'm out.

Another update guys. Hope you like it.

Xoxo- Detia❤

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