Spencer's Party and coming home.

Start from the beginning

*Andy's P.O.V*

I was talking with Spencer until Louise started to talk. I wasn't really listening to her with everything going on with her and this new guy Alik I was kind if deep in thought until I heard gasp and I looked up from my champagne glass and as soon as I did I swear I almost dropped it, Wow. was all I could say. She was wearing a beautiful dress showing her curves perfectly and just... Wow.

*Stevie's P.O.V*

"There is one person in particular who wanted to wish Spencer a happy birthday so here she is..." I listened to Louise talking an once she finished I heard heels clicking through the hallway and then one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen walked through. Wow.

*Sam's P.O.V*

I smiled hugely showing my pearly white teeth an laughed at my brothers child like behaviour. "Spenny put me down," I giggled. He then shouted, "No you're gonna leave me again!" "I won't I promise," I replied he slowly put me down and crushed me into a massive bear hug. "Spencer... Can't... Breath..." I chocked out. He let me go and said "Sorry. I missed you so much!" Me and Spencer had always been the closest out of our family. We used to do like everything together. I remember once he let me dress him up as a fairy for a tea party I had in bedroom with teddy bears. I still have the pictures.

I saw people looking at us with questioning eyes other than Louise and it seems that Spenny had noticed too so he decided to yell out, "MY LITTLE SISTERS BACK BABY!" Then loud cheers rung out and I laughed. We walked down to Louise and We talked for a while until Spencer pulled me over to a large group of boys. And hot boys they were.

"Boys I'd like you too meet my sister Miss Samantha Skye Matthews but everyone either calls her Sam or Sammy," he smiled at them. One if the younger looking ones then said, "Name twins!" I laughed and said to him, "What your names Samantha too? Cool." the guys laughed and then they introduced themselves.

The one who had said name twins introduced himself first, "Hi I'm Sam Thompson," and then gave me 2 kisses Chelsea style. He must be Louise's brother. "Jamie Laing," The guy with Blonde hair said, And repeated the same kisses on the cheeks."Oliver Proudlock but everybody just calls me Proudlock," the one with Blonde hair said. Then a very handsome guy with brown hair and greyish blue eyes said, "Hey. My names Stevie Johnson." I mumbled a 'nice to meet you' when kissing his cheeks. Last but most certainly not least was a very cute guy with chocolate brown hair and eyes, "Andy Jordan, a Pleasure." "I'm sure," I replied to him when kissing his check letting my lips press slightly more on his cheeks and it seemed like he had the same idea. "Well it's nice to meet you all."

Proudlock them asked me, "So Sam, what do you do?" I flashed a bright smile, showing my killer dimples and said, "Well I my two main area are music and modelling but I have a lot of hobbies to. I was in America the past 3 years and a bit doing some modelling and recording etc." The boys looked very impressed. "Well if you're looking for anything extra I'm looking for a female model to do some stuff for my clothing line Serge De Nimes. I think you would be perfect for it." Proudlock said back to me inquisitively. "I'll definitely look into it," I replied happily. Spencer then spoke up and said, "So how long are you staying I for this time? A week.... two?" With a frown on his face because he clearly didn't want his little sister to leave him again.

The group all looked at me with anticipation and I plastered a innocent looking smile on my face and said, "Well... I mean I've been offered a big modelling offer here but I can easily turn it do-" ingot cut off by multiple shouts of 'NO' coming from the group but mainly Spencer, Stevie and Andy. "I guess I could stay then," I laughed. Spencer then hugged me from behind trying not to crush my wings and said, "Sammyyyyyyyyy... can you please go up on the stage and sing something? We were going to have a group performing but I would much prefer you."

"I mean I could but I would need another singer," I said. The boys almost automatically looked to Andy and Spencer said," Andy can sing." I looked towards Andy and said, "You wouldn't mind would you?" With a smile. "Yeah sure I mean if I know the song."

"The song is called 'Run to you' by Pentatonix. It's an acapella song. Ya know it?" He nodded and we headed up to the stage and got the microphones set up and then switched them on.

I went and asked the other singers if they could sing back up for the songs and they said yes and we all got ready. I walked up to my Mic and then said, "Um hey guys. I'm Samantha Matthews for those who didn't know and I'm sure you know Andy Jordan. So the birthday boy asked for me to sing something but I needed another singer so here he is. This is 'Run to You'. Hope you enjoy it." I smiled at the crowd if watching eyes and then looked towards Andy and I nodded and so we started.

(Song Above)

A huge round of applause rung out and me and Andy walked up and hugged each other laughing. We walked off stage and walked back up to my brother and the group. "Sammy, Andy that was amazing!" They all said.
"Ow my eardrums guys," I replied with a laugh. "Alright I'm going to go and meet Louise' new man." I got multiple bye's as I walked away.

I was walking towards Louise I stopped to get a drink. Two girls who looked kind of similar, guessing they were sisters. They were both pretty and the one with the brown hair talked first and said, "Hi I'm Lucy. Lucy Watson," She leaned forward and kissed each others cheeks and I said, "Nice too meet you." The blonde then said, "Hiya I'm Tiffany Watson, everyone calls me Tiff though," and we repeated what I had done before. I then said, "So you must be one of my brothers ex's. I know my brother can be a complete arse sometimes trust me I grew up with him."

They both laughed lightly and Lucy said, "Yeah well that's just Spencer for you. He never really mentioned having a sister." I chuckled and said, "Well he doesn't like to brag," hocking lot and luckily picked up on it. "We just came over to introduce ourselves and say that you were really good on stage," Tiff said.

I smiled and said, "Thank you. It means a lot." "We should meet up sometime I think I can speak for both of us when we'd like to get to know you better," Lucy asked me with a light smile and I replied with, "Yeah I'd love too. I don't really know many people here anymore so yeah, I think that'd be great." We exchanged numbers and as I walked towards Louise and who I guessed was Alik, I saw Andy walking away with a slightly serious expression. Wonder what that was about .

Louise smiled when she saw me walking over and when I got there we kissed cheeks and said hi and then looked towards the guy who I guessed was Alik and he said in a very American accent and said, "Hey I'm Alik nice to meet you! You're Sammy right I've heard so much about you," very enthusiastically. I like this guy already. We both walked round the table and kissed each others cheeks.

For the most of rest of the night I spent it with Alik and Louise and I also got to know Stevie and Andy a bit more. They're both really nice guys and not forgetting to mention hot. Afterward I went home got ready for bed and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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